
Monday, April 04, 2022

Unity on the Design Wall

It has been 2 years since I started this Unity quilt. This is  a Bonnie Hunter medallion mystery and it was a wonderful distraction at the beginning of covid. Remember when we were learning to sew masks and were so hopeful that it would all be over in a few weeks!?!

Anyway, this quilt top was made completely from my fabric stash which has been challenging in terms of having enough yardage to put it together. Bits and pieces have been added as I have scrounged through the stash to find compatible fabrics to keep building more blocks.

My Unity quilt top was almost finished in February and since then I have been working on the borders. I made 4 corner blocks, 16 flying geese, and auditioned several sashing fabrics. Many many measurements have been taken and math equations puzzled over and I think I have figured out how to put it all together. Fingers crossed!

I love so many of the fabrics in this scrappy quilt, and it holds so many memories of the beginning of the pandemic. I feel motivated to continue working on this quilt and have it done before covid is done! LOL 

Linking up to One Monthly Goal and Design Wall Monday


  1. This is a perfect piece to finish up now Kathy, at what we are sincerely hoping is the end of the pandemic. It is lovely!

  2. I love your version of the Unity quilt. And let's all hope this really is the end of the pandemic.

  3. Your version of Unity is turning out beautifully! That quilty math can definitely slow you down when you're puzzling out how to use the fabric you have. I love your addition of the words, too!

  4. Wow! Your spin on the design -- the words! the colors! -- just great. (And Kate has finished her Unity. The K's are all okay!)

  5. Your Unity quilt looks amazing. Love the inclusion of the words, Kathy. Have a great week.

  6. What a lovely, cheerful quilt your Unity is shaping up to be! I hope it all comes together nicely for you after all of that hard work and careful measuring. My husband teases me with a German carpenter’s saying that translates “I cut it twice, but it’s still too short!” Hah!

  7. Hi Kathy,
    Your Unity quilt is great. I know with medallion style quilts, the math can be daunting. It look like you are well on your way to finishing it though. Good job! Hugs, Judy

  8. My Unity is still not on the list to work on because I didn't have my Stash. Now that I'm home I have more projects to do than I even want to finish. Too many temptations in my world of Start-i-tus. Go Kathy!
    I like the added words.

  9. Your Unity quilt is really special. Great job, Kathy. I hope your label will tell the story of what this quilt was all about!

  10. Your Unity quilt is so unique and special. So pretty. I just finished mine this week. I made mine following Bonnie's version and am pretty happy with it. Sad to say but I think COVID is here to stay with no endemic in view. The best we can do is follow safety guidelines and stay safe.
