
Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Goal Setting in COVID

Have you heard the term "COVID time"? 
Since March I have noticed that my sense of time (and the amount of problems I think I can actually solve each day) is way off kilter. I'm not sure if anyone can relate, but days just blur into other days and there is so much to do on every level in life, and yet sometimes I am just starring into space doing nothing! 

It has affected my quilting productivity for sure. I have way less finishes this year so far. 
I got frustrated with my May OMG project, and it is heading back to the UFO closet. It was just too frustrating for the patience I have available right now. None of the seams were matching, and I remembered why it went to the UFO closet in the first place. I know it needs to be finished, and I will work on it again eventually, but just not right now.
I really want a fun project to finish in June. But since my brain is operating on COVID time, I missed the deadline for posting my goal on the OMG linkup. But I'll set a goal for myself just for fun anyway.
I would like to finish my scrappy Maverick Stars quilt. It is one of my favourite scrappy leader-ender projects. I enjoyed sewing every block, and finished sewing the quilt top at my friend Deanna's house last summer. It's a positive energy project that is perfect for working on during COVID time. The border decision was holding up the finishing of this quilt, but I've waited long enough for creative ideas to come to me... and they didn't. So this quilt is not getting a border.
I need to find a backing and batting, and then this quilt and I can have some fun!


  1. Some quilts just don't need borders, so good for you. This is such a happy quilt.

  2. This is a lovely quilt--
    Covid Time = "time out of mind" for sure...
    It seems like a long time and yet also that our world has changed overnight...I keep asking :" what day is this"?
    Anyway, I have a similar border problem with my Block-a-Day project...
    and making decisions is not my strong suit right now...
    Hang in there good decision Julierose

  3. What day is it? Wow! Where did two HOURS go after breakfast (or lunch?!) Lots of issues with time.

  4. The quilt will look fabulous without a border, it's such a pretty quilt with lots of life and energy.

    Covid time is a great name for it. I can be productive for a day or two and then it all slips and I can feel my mood slipping. I give myself some space, a change of activity and try to push through it. I'm working from home and finding it really hard but that forces me to sort out my Covid brain.

  5. Blur is the perfect way to describe it! You get up and plan to do all sorts of things and the day ends and nope still haven't got it all done!! Love those little stars so much when you were making them at my house, I started some of my own. There was a bit of a learning curve but I got it eventually!

  6. Have not yet heard of Covid time. The term makes sense. Maverick Stars doesn’t need a border in my humble opinion. All the scrappy stars stand on their own. Get ‘er done!

  7. Oh happy joy, it’s beautiful!!!

  8. days do tend to blur one to another with staying most of the time. We still have a rise of cases in my state so we are still staying home most of the time. but in reality my life hasn't changed a lot as a loner I tend to spend most of my time alone - I do go shopping and exercise out daily and I can't do that now and that alone has changed just enough that the days run into another and I have to constantly check to see what the date and day is

  9. Yes, I am feeling that way too, hours wasted and I don't know how. I cannot keep up with what day it is, and it seems more depressing each day. I miss sports, I miss my friends, I miss so much. With all this time, you'd think I'd be insanely productive, but no. I've stopped watching the news, just cannot take it anymore.

  10. I think for every "wonder quilter" out there who has doubled and tripled production, there are 10 others who can't stay focused or spend time aimlessly wandering the internet. I think there's also a lot of borderline depression in people who don't normally get depressed. The COVID virus, for Americans the awfulness of our political situation, fear for our country's future, the social unrest, and the crazy weather extremes serve to make everyone unsettled and stressed out. Thank goodness we can visit blogland and commiserate with others and occasionally get inspired with a new project.

  11. Hi Kathy, I feel the same way about time and agree with everything Miss Pat has said. I have had a really hard time staying focused and wanting to work on things. I’m staying pretty cheerful but not much projects completed. That’s okay though, I’m not going to let it bug me to much. Have a great day. Hugs,

  12. The quilt is lovely so pretty. Yes I can totally relate, I haven't a clue what ive done today the time has just gone, to say we have all this time on our hands it doesn't seem like I've been very productive at all.

  13. It is a very bright and friendly quilt, just the thing to brighten these odd times. Have fun with it.

  14. So glad you picked a happy quilt to finish off this month. I think we all need an 'easy' one after the last few months with everything happening all over the world. Good luck.

  15. Those stars are great! Very smart to choose a project that calls you for being bright, happy and easy to finish in COVID time, using COVID brain. I'm also finding it harder to concentrate and have no taste for anything complicated. Big, simple blocks have been working for me! Plus making backings, where nothing needs to be very precise, just kinda in the right colors :)

  16. OMG, I am sooooo productive! I have finished 20 quilts so far this year. I quilt my own and I hand stitch my bindings. I have 13 in the binding pile now and 5 in the 'to be quilted' pile.

    I'm having a BLAST!

  17. I'm definitely running on Covid time, too. For a variety of reasons, I am the only family member my brother is allowing to help with my mother right now during Covid (she lives with him). When I come home from a day with Mom and then running my errands, I am mentally exhausted and find myself doing my chores and then wandering into my sewing room and just staring. On my days at home I am trying to catch up on housework and yardwork. It is definitely all a blur.
    Love those little Maverick Stars--and not every quilt needs a border! :)

  18. Oh my, your comments are so on target. I feel so unproductive and do seem to lose track of days. Your Star quilt is so happy and bright. Lovely.

  19. The stars are beautiful and do not require a border. It will make a gorgeous quilt. Oh you will also need binding :-p
