
Monday, June 01, 2020

Design Wall Monday

I spent some time this weekend sewing blocks for The Twist, which is a scrap dance mystery by Carole who blogs at
From my Carolina Home.  We have been slowly working on this mystery since January and I really like having a mystery project to pull out and sew a few blocks here and there.

I decided to cut up a cute panel fabric to use as the centre blocks for step #6 and these are just as cute as a button. Miss Bunny looks like she is getting tired of the COVID lockdown! I'd like to get a permanent marker and see if I can give her a happier looking face. 

I wasn't sure if I would like yellow as a background fabric with all these pastels, and although I don't love it, it will work well enough for this baby quilt. It's a lot of yellow! 
I am delighted with all the scraps I am clearing out of the stash in this project. I'm ready to move on to step 7 this week.
Linking up with Small Quilts


  1. I love your fussy cut centers!! So cute, the yellow is fresh and happy.

  2. love the fussy cut center in the blocks. The colors are so soft!

  3. very cute with the fussy centers

  4. That's really cute, Kathy! I never buy panels, and only have a very few sweet prints with characters or animals. Maybe if I ever get a girl grandchild that might spur some fabric buying!

  5. She does look a little disgruntled! Yellow always seems to take over a quilt but I think it looks great here. You can tone it done with other blocks or borders!

  6. If you need more scraps, I can help.

  7. I feel like Miss Bunny looks! Great idea to use a panel for the block centers :)

  8. Just stinkin' cute, Kathy!
    I'm am sure you could make Miss Bunny smile.
