
Saturday, February 15, 2020

Scrappy Saturday

The colour for February at the Rainbow Scrap Challenge is orange. Generally I'm not a big fan of orange and most especially at this time of year. 

3.5" Arrowhead blocks
Nevertheless, I know that my rainbow quilts need some orange blocks, so I forced myself to pick some squares to make into Arrowhead blocks. I prepped some green fabrics that I missed using in January, and somehow I see a purple one got in the pile too! I really like making these blocks so I look forward to adding lots of these to my collection this year. 

Shoo Fly blocks

And of course the Shoo Fly project continues. A few more blocks were made with orange scraps this week, and I am always collecting little pieces to make more of these... adorable.

But mostly I just want to work on these little blocks. They will become a fabric Valentine.
Linking up to the weekly RSC party.


  1. Love those little shoo fly blocks--really cute...hugs, Julierose

  2. Red and pink do feel more like the 'right' colors for this month, don't they? You have those little blocks laid out as Xs. Will there be Os to go with them? :)

  3. I love your arrowhead blocks - what size are those finished they look about 3.5 inches?

  4. can you point me to a pattern for instructions on the arrowhead block

  5. You've definitely got some scrappy fun going on today. Happy stitching!

  6. the bunny is really cute in shoofly and will make wonderful surprise in the quilt.

  7. Fun to see the little blocks you're working on, Kathy! I like that bunny in the shoo fly block, too!

  8. I started some shoo fly blocks, but didn’t like them as leaders and enders. So I will build some as just Rainbow blocks. It is fun to put a surprise I spy block in the center every once in awhile!

  9. Woohoo--Arrowhead blocks! And orange is so cheerful

  10. Love the arrowhead blocks--but I love all of these blocks, because they all look little to me. :)

  11. Your sunshiny ORANGE blocks look SEW lovely on this cold winter's day!!

  12. I love that little bunny in the middle! I agree - orange adds a nice touch to the quilts but.... I prefer working with orange in the fall. I guess I like to quilt with fabrics by season!

  13. Nice fussy cutting in the Shoofly blocks! I love your Arrowhead blocks; they make such a neat looking quilt.

  14. Love both your Shoo-Fly & Arrowhead blocks. Good selection of oranges (not the purple! Lol)!
