
Thursday, January 09, 2020

On the Mend!

repair from the wrong side with flannel patch

When the kids are home for holidays, they bring their mending for me to do. As soon as I recovered from the norovirus, I started into the mending jobs they left for me.  My daughter's favourite pyjamas split open at the knee. My friend Joanne gave me the idea of how to repair it by cutting a piece of flannel about the size of the hole and sewing over the area intensely. 

repair from the right side

Then you sew a straight stitch around the edge of all the stitching you've done. 

trim flannel

With scissors, you trim as close as possible to that containment line of stitches. Easy peasy repair.

It worked perfectly and the pyjamas are restored to full functioning and are comfortable to wear.

And of course, there is the never ending job of repairing toys that my Granddog Max has destroyed. He plays with a toy until it is completely shredded to threads. Since Max separated the head from the body, I just sewed the now headless toy back together for more playtime!

Look for more hand stitched repairs on Sunday's post!


  1. Mending is my least favorite sewing.

  2. I don't usually mend clothes but I do fix toys usually by hand with a double thread and lots of big stitches. The little girls brought home a 3 foot high dragon one day that needed a lot of surgery. I sewed up the biggest tear, but when they were at mom's for 2 weeks in the summer, I loaded the thing up and donated it. Well. The 6 year old missed it right away and asked what I did with it. I could not lie to her so said I donated it. She said I forgot to send the dragon blood with it. She had collected a bag full of tiny white foam balls.

  3. snort - Princess Peach, my son's dog, eats the faces off ALL of her stuffies (ONLY the faces) and then ignores them till he gives up and throws them away - now he only buys stuffies from thrift stores cuz he knows her plan...

  4. Pets and their toys, they certainly love them to death! I can just image a headless body being carried around.
    Out cat Gemmas new favourite is a white feather I gave her, she tosses it around, pounces on it, and carries it proudly in her mouth.

  5. First two things sewn on my new machine..hem hubby's new coveralls and patch a pair of work pants! haha I have even sewn (in the past) dog toys as well!! Glad you are feeling better. Time to get caught up on the mystery!

  6. Slick trick on that repair. SEW glad to hear that you are on the mend!

  7. Useful repair tip thank you. I do mend Lola's toys although she rarely damages them probably because she's a working dog (we don't work her though) and she has a very soft mouth. She does however suck the ears, tail, leg, any extremity in fact until it's a soggy mess! Can't help loving them!

  8. That is funny, our furkids do love their toys. Our last dog loved all her stuffed toys, but she wouldn't chew on them. She would just carry them around, and her favorite one was almost as big as she was.

  9. awe - good mom mending for kids and dogs!

  10. LOL--been there, done that with the mending for adult kids! And that is how I mend jeans, using a piece of denim instead of flannel. It is very effective.
    My daughter's little dog just rips soft toys open in a heartbeat. You have to make sure you don't give her anything that is filled with those beanie baby type pellets.

  11. Hi Kathy: I love doing mending, some of my favorite clothing items are almost 20 years old with a little help from me.
    That dog toy looks like it is very sturdy, I am sure if it were gone the dog would miss it.

    Have a great weekend
