
Friday, December 27, 2019

Homemade Gifts - Part #2

Sewing the layers together

Every Christmas I make a gift for my nieces and nephews. This year I used a Happy Hour Stitches pattern for a bowl cozy. The first part of the pattern is easy and fun, but then it gets challenging. It's like making fabric origami.

Turning the bowl inside out was just the worst step. 
And this is my favourite step... finishing the bowl with some topstitching.


I used camping themed fabric with lovely sayings like "A good laugh is sunshine in a home", "Not all who wonder are lost", and "Camping makes life happy".

Here is a photo of the production table. Each stage of the pattern is represented. 

Stages of Bowl Cozy Construction

I made one bowl with rounded corners, but didn't like it as much, so went back to the square corners. These gifts were a big hit and I have already had requests to make 3 more!

It's Friday, so you know what that means... it's Frolic day! The next step of the Quiltville mystery pattern is posted today. I haven't finished last week's sewing yet, but am excited to see what is next!


  1. They look fun and very useful. I think I need to make a few.I think I prefer the square one as well.

  2. I love the way you combined embroidery and selvages in your last post. A pretty piece and I'm sure these fabric bowls will be appreciated as well. Enjoy your weekend!

  3. I'm glad there's someone else who hasn't finished clue #4 yet. I've got directions for the soup bowl cozies but haven't made the time to get them done.

  4. I use one all the time in my microwave and made some for my sister and niece a couple of years ago.

  5. My mom got 4 for christmas last year and I showed her how to use them in march. One might have come home with us as the kids loved them.

  6. We don't give presents in our family but have a $5 grab bag. Right after grab bag I surprised everyone by giving all my nephews a pot holder made from Star Wars fabric with the challenge that I want to see a picture of the meal they made for their wives, girlfriends, fiances. It was a huge hit with the women and lots of laughs.

    I also made 35 bowl cozies out of various prints and just passed the pile around for them to chose.Vultures, I tell you it was vultures. they loved them. I agree the turning was a challenge, about half way through the project I thought what did you get yourself into. LOL

  7. The bowl copies are best with the square corners as they give a better edge to grab them by. They do make great gifts.

  8. That camping fabric is so great! And bowl cozies are a really useful and sweet gift :)

  9. The bowl cozies are really cute, and it is very sweet of you to make them for your family.

  10. LOVE the fabric you chose for your bowl cozies. Bowl cozies are a big hit at our house as well. I need to make some for gifts for next year. I hope to get a jump on the winter stitching this summer. We shall see. Happy new year, Kathy!

  11. I have everything to make these, I just haven't started them yet.
