
Thursday, December 26, 2019

Homemade gifts - Part 1

Sometimes I just get weird random inspirations to create things. I don't know why these are the things that were made this year, but I know that when I get obsessed with an idea, I have to make it.
Resistance is futile!

Last year it was a paper pieced Sisyphus, and this year it was an embroidery and selvage project.

The embroidery patterns are by Gail Pan, and include holly, a stocking, a star, a present and a heart.

I added one selvage (which was the selvage of the backing fabric) above the embroidery designs. Then many more red selvages were attached below in a quilt-as-you-go style, so that the quilting was completed as the selvages were added. 

A side effect of this project is that I may have become a teeny tiny bit obsessed with selvages. There are often random interesting images on selvages... look how cute this bunny is! Why does that make me so happy?! 

I don't even know what to call this project since I don't know what it is. It's too large to be a mug mat, but too small for a tabletopper... maybe it's a "candlemat"?
All I know is that it's finished, and the new owner can decide what it actually is! I also know that it contains lots of love and my wishes for healing and hopefulness for 2020.
Tomorrow I'll post what I made for my nieces and nephews.


  1. LOL..Kathy, somehow I do think we are related somewhere! Those selvages make me happy as well and that bunny is just over the top cute. Last week I was at Cherished Pieces and was waffling over a fabric: to buy or not to buy! Then I looked at the selvage and, decision made LOL. Love the combo of the little embroidery patterns and the selvages!

  2. So cute and creative! It could hold your mug and a small plate of cookies perhaps? I use larger pieces on my kitchen counter to have a spot to place certain things. I'm sure you'll find lots of uses for it.

  3. I don't collect selvages but I have noticed a few really cute ones. I had one with a row of chickens on it that I saved and gave to a member of our quilt group who is collecting them. And I remember a quilt by a blogger who used selvages as titles on the spines of books.

  4. That is such a fun and cute way to use the tiny embroidery designs and all those red selvages! If I were your friend, I might just hold it in my lap and look at everything on it, lol! Great little gift, Kathy!

  5. Clearly it is a Creativity Holder! Very fun :)

  6. Oh i know that feeling that just grabs you and it is futile to resist;))) I love that little sisyphus that you made--sometimes life just feels like that doesn't it? Hope your Chirstmas was a Merry one hugs, Julierose

  7. Your selvages are perfect for this design! I save selvages strips also and make needle keepers with them. I use the decorative stiches featured on my sewing machine always a fun project!
    My quilting buddies know and save them for me...I think the messages and designers name printed on them is fun!

    Happy New Year!


  8. I know exactly what you mean! I even wake up sometimes and realise I've been dreaming about a certain project. That's when you realise you might as well give in and make it! LOL

  9. It's a great idea. Maybe big enough for a placemat... Love the words on some selvedges.

  10. Well, it is so cheery and (as DH would say...) “Cute as a bug’s ear!” Like you, I loves me some selvage cuteness!
