
Friday, November 02, 2018

October Fails

October was Women's History Month here in Canada with the theme of "Make an Impact" (click here to read more about it). 
There is a list of 100 "Women of Impact" in Canada. I was interested in how many of these women were also in the 150 Canadian Quilt that I started in December of 2016 Canada's 150th birthday. Once I started looking at the names and thinking about that quilt, I was motivated to get sewing the rest of those blocks.

Leaves fell off the trees and onto my car - view through the windshield
I sure do wish I had more hours in the day, and really wanted to spend time working on my Canada 150 blocks this month. But that didn't happen. Life conspired against me to use most of my non work time on things not quilting related. It was not fun. 
And then all the pretty golden leaves fell off the trees with one overnight of frost, so fall is almost over. That is sad for me because fall is usually my favourite season and I like it to last a long time!

I also wanted to sew my elephant quilt together in October. That also didn't happen. 
Not a single stitch.
SO glad October is over.
November is here. 
My UFO goal will be the same one as last month - to sew my Elephant Parade quilt top.
Linking up to One Monthly Goal.

Another November goal will be to collect fabrics for Bonnie Hunter's annual mystery quilt. I never miss out on that adventure which start on the American Thanksgiving weekend. This year's mystery is called "Good Fortune". You can find the fabric requirements here.


  1. Fall isn't over until you run out of pumpkin spice! Buy a bunch of it, quick!! LOL! :) Don't call 'em 'fails' ... call them opportunities to 'prevail' in the next go'round!! :)

  2. Life gets in the way of our quilting time at times. It gets done when it gets done, enjoy the journey! Our leaves are coming down now too with a storm yesterday with high winds. Sad as the trees didn't give us the show they usually do because it was too warm too long.

  3. October went by fast. I'm not ready for the Winter. Winds are howling. Have a great November. Time to be Thankful.
    Collecting fabrics to change it up on the Good Fortune Quiltville Mystery

  4. I hope you have more time to sew in November. Some months are like that—-no time for anything but work and other obligations. Hope all is well with you and your corner of the universe.

  5. I think the leaves on your windshield look like the parts in a kaleidoscope before you put it up to your eye. Don't know why I even thought of that!
    LOVE your elephants. They will make such a cute quilt.
    I had to laugh at Denise's comment, because I ran out of Pumpkin Pie Spice on Halloween, while making my third batch of Pumpkin Muffins in 5 days. So I guess Fall is over for me. (except I looked up a "make your own" recipe for it online, and I am good for another few weeks.)
    Never had a doubt that you would be getting ready to join Bonnie's mystery. :)

  6. Cute elephants! Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and good luck with your project!

  7. October sounds like it was a disappointing month, but November is going to be great! Stick a little pumpkin out somewhere, and pretend it's still fall and sew, sew, sew!

  8. New month, this time your goal will be achieved ;) Cute elephants!

  9. Love the elephant quilt, can't wait to see it. And thank you for the new mystery quilt. I've never been part of one. It sounds exciting. Our Thanksgiving is at a different time then yours in Canada, but I could take a look see. Appreciate the heads up.

  10. Your October sounds like mine. Good luck with your goals Kathy.

  11. Another month....another chance. I like the elephant blocks. Especially the different size elephants. Hope you get it finished this month. The month is already flying by.
