
Friday, September 28, 2018

Getting Organized - True Confessions

You may have noticed that I juggle many quilting projects all the time. It's hard for me to say "no" to more fun! That is true in all areas of my life.
One of my "areas of personal growth", previously known as "flaws", is the tendency to overwhelm myself. I can be very organized, and have adequate skills, but I fill my life with too many activities (the "why" is a whole other discussion!) As a result I sometimes feel overwhelmed and run chronically late.
I am really trying to say "NO" more often to invitations that really do not make my heart sing (and to do more actual singing). I am proud of all the projects I wanted to start this year ("squirrel") but was able to resist. I tell myself "if you feel sad and still want to make it next year, you can". I have found over time that usually the desire dissipates and another project becomes more appealing.

One of the things I really want to do is to clean up my fabric stash and be more organized. I love scrap quilting, but am not satisfied with the different organizational systems I have tried over the years. There are many bits of fabric around that look like this. 

And my cutting table is a mess because I would rather sew than clean. If I have a half hour in my day, I want to sit at the sewing machine, not tidy, fold, organize, vacuum, etc. I wish it were otherwise, but that's the way it is. I took a picture of my cutting table, but after looking at it I decided it's just too embarrassing to post.
Eventually my mess feels like it's too much, even for me, and everything has to be cleared. So I'm putting it on my calendar for this weekend and am committed to spending time doing nothing else. It's not fun and I'll be a crabby quilter until it's done I can sew again. 
And my reward for doing all that work (besides enjoying being more organized) will be to attend my local quilt guild's show this weekend!

A Gathering of Quilts is being held in Aberfoyle this weekend. You are welcome to come and visit, be inspired by over 300 amazing quilts, win one of the 150+ mini quilts being raffled, vote for your favourite quilt (for a CQA award) and buy some new fabric treats from our favourite vendors. Click here for the show facebook page. It's a lovely drive in the Aberfoyle area especially in the fall, it's a great venue, and it promises to be a fabulous event. 
Hope to see you there... and if you hear me being totally inspired and wanting to start a new project, please remind me of the above!


  1. I will be at the show on Sunday...hope to see you there! I need to do some cleaning in my sewing room too. I do not get to spend very much time in there these days and don’t want to spend it cleaning up!

  2. Maybe we are on the same wavelength...I am in a period of overwhelm, here!!! I am fairly organized, but let's face it...scraps can multiply!

  3. Oh my goodness, you sound just like me with the mess in my sewing room 😓. I forgot it was your quilt show this weekend. I'll have to try to make it up there. As for new projects, I made a vow to start nothing new this year (but now I'm waiting for a new pattern in the mail, Free Wheeling Single Girl!!!)

  4. I feel your pain! I have the same problem happening in my sewing room--an overwhelming mess, especially the piles on my cutting table. Good luck with your weekend of organizing, and enjoy the quilt show.

  5. Oh and me both sister!! I'm so happy that my sister helped me make my massive UFO list 2 1/2 years ago and I'm diligently working on it. I'm also taming my scrap stash! I went to Johanna Masko's lecture at Quilt X and love her method of sorting. And, cutting things into strips and squares Bonnie Hunter style. I've also said 'no' to a lot of new projects this year, but did start some! Happy cleaning and enjoy the show! I don't think I'll be able to make it unless I can convince hubby to go for a drive LOL. Hugs and keep at it!!

  6. I'm sure my cutting table looks the same as yours right now, LOL!! Squirrel!

  7. Well, have fun at the show. I’m with you on fabric organization. I’m a wad and stuff kind of gal. On the other hand, I make a lot of applique quilts, and sometimes you need a big piece. The idea of cutting everything into nice little strips and squares wouldn’t work for me. On the other hand, I keep my workspace pretty tidy. It’s a little cluttered with tools and what-not, but fabrics and scraps are cleared off at the end of most days. I’ve always been that way about my workspace, even as a working person. Clean desk. My house, on the other, other hand can get pretty messy. I’ve always distinguished between messy and dirty. Messy is acceptable...dirty is not. And with just two of us, there isn’t a whole lot of dirt, but there is quite a bit of mess. I figure the other one of us can clean it up just as easily as I can if it bothers him. It doesn’t bother me.

  8. Enjoy the show. I wish I was close enough to get to one. I have a desk (24in x 6ft) that my computer sits on a corner of, I keep it raised so that I'm looking up at the screen (hoping to improve my posture), but with all that space in front and to the side and under the screen, it also accumulates finished (and mostly finished) blocks waiting to be trimmed, scraps that I want to cut, etc. I just measured and at the moment the stuff is over 11" deep, I don't even remember what's on there. I keep getting distracted by something else that needs to be started RIGHT NOW. Maybe next year's project will be to clear that desk.

  9. Yep, too true! Sewing is always more fun!! Get that rotary cutter going on those odd shaped pieces just square up the edges and fold them. Who knows what colors you're going to need for the Quiltville Mystery. Start a new tote of color. No pictures needed, I bet it looks just like mine.

  10. from time to time, I set my timer to 15 mins and tidy for JUST that time. Often, I get so much done in that little span of time, I can see the carpet or table in there! I am getting MUCH better at limiting my current projects. Also in the past month, I have finished up 4 UFOS and gifted them too! SO much fun! ...after the 15 mins, I sew for as long as I can. (it does not always happen, but I am glad when it does)

  11. Yeah, those oddly shaped pieces are just so difficult to manage. I cut off the non-square parts and put them in my "crumbs" bin. I'm glad you have such a nice reward for yourself after doing the tedious but necessary cleaning :)

  12. With odd shape pieces like that, if their big enough (at least a fat quarter), they get folded neatly and go back into the stash. I deem only really tiny stuff a scrap. And if you find yourself not being able to say to no to starting another project, I suggest putting it on a list. That way, when you do want a new project, choose from the list, or let go of what's on there.

  13. I just cleaned off my cutting mat a few days ago. I think between the strings, crumbs, waste triangles and bits and pieces I probably sorted enough scraps for about 5 kid sized quilts. And then I say I'm not going to let that happen again and I'm going to be a good girl and sort scraps as I go. But after a few days it looks like I'm not doing so well with that.

    For that piece I would cut off the odd pieces and put them in the crumb box. Depending upon the size of the rest of the piece it may go in the chunk crate or into the various size scrap boxes I have like 4.5, 3.5, 2.5, 1.5.

  14. You are not alone! My sewing room and the scrap bin need a complete overall, but I so much rather sew. However after a very painful lesson in sewing ergonomics over the weekend, I'll have a new set up that will need me to spend some time dealing with the mess. Hopefully that will be incentive enough. Good luck with your reorg (just remember how much more efficient you will be once the room is all sorted out).

  15. Your first paragraph is also ME, exactly. I have also learned that if I can wait, do something else, the "urge" to do whatever is it that is calling me, does dissipate -- that is, until something else takes over. I once had to write my own recommendation on myself, for a job, and my boss said it was great, but he added "care should be taken that she does not overwhelm herself." I think it's all a wonderful trait! We are invincible and can do anything! 8-))) Elaine Adair

  16. I'm telling you... we are cut from the same cloth!! Everything you said about filling up your time to the brim and how your sewing room is-- you could be talking about me. I say---> you be you! If you are distracted by squirrels and have 72 projects in the works and want to start #73, that is what makes you, you! xoxo
