
Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Grandma's Toy Repair Shop

As most of my blog readers know, my granddog Max is quite a character and loves to chew things - like quilts and toys. He has a "toy graveyard" where his parents toss the toys needing repair. When the box is full, I bring it home to work on these damaged toys. I feel like I am an elf working on the island of misfit toys (reference to Rudolph movie).
Max likes to chew the faces and usually tries to remove the ears and eyes of the stuffed animals, and then tear out the stuffing.

Some of the holes can easily be sewn over. Sometimes I cut the head right off and sew it up at the neck and he will play with the body of the animal. Sometimes I remove all the stuffing and he carries around the fabric body until it's a scrap and goes in the trash. It's a "make work" project for me, and although it takes me away from the quilting that I'd rather be doing, I have to admit that I smile the whole time because Max has brought so much happiness and love into our lives!


  1. I have a dog nephew with the same propensity for destroying his toys. I get to try to put them back together again...we should go into business. There may be a market for this type of service on a larger scale!

  2. Lol, now I'll have the misfit toy song in my head for the rest of the day!

  3. Max, our soon to be 2 year old puppy dose the same. But not to every toy. We have a bear that's 18 months and still whole and hearty and a kitty that bit the dust in 2 weeks. I bought one of those "tough" toys and he had it destroyed in less then 24 hours.
    So now I pay .25 at the thrift store and toss them when the pieces start to spread out.

  4. This post made me smile as I do the same thing! I have four doxies and their goal is to kill all the stuffed toys. Hugs,

  5. Oh, you are so good to do this.
    I have a grand-dog that is determined to destuff any and all soft toys the enter their home. When a baby joined the family said dog had to learn that not all toys were for her destructive pleasure. But Mona's efforts are so effective, there is no attempt on my part to salvage the remains.

  6. We have grand dogs that do the same thing.

  7. Our Sam chewed a corner off a quilt that was a gift fron a friend. I still plan to do a little embroidery there " chewed by Sam during a thunderstorm in 2014" lol.

  8. My grandkids can do this damage to stuffies (not chewed-just worn) and I get the call to come repair.

  9. This is too funny. I just brought a squeaker home from a toy that my son's dog killed to make him a new one with...probably a blue jean snake...

  10. Ha, a spoiled grand dog for sure. He even made the Blog!

  11. Dog toys are so expensive nowadays, I don't blame you for sewing them up!

  12. This post is too funny! You are a true Grandma to your Granddog! You have a huge heart! :)

  13. what a character he is even though a bit distructive!

  14. I watched Rudolph last night, it's one of my favorite memories of growing up. Max's toys do look a lot like what you'd find on the Island of Misfit Toys.
