
Tuesday, March 08, 2016

Happy International Women's Day!

Today we celebrate the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women around the world. In my town we celebrated on Saturday with a flashmob using the One Billion Rising music. It was great fun, although I was not at all proficient with the choreography. Luckily I have some pretty terrific and unique dance moves of my own LOL! Next year I will practice in advance and try to blend in more with the mob.

Here is part of the crowd walking across the bridge toward City Hall.
One of the benefits of walking around town is noticing things you haven't seen before as you're driving by.

Look what I found!
A quilt painted on the side of a random building. 
It was cold and snowy, so it's not a great photo, but it was so fun to notice how much this looks like the Quilter's Blessings quilt I finished 5 years ago!!

So, how are you celebrating International Women's Day? I will be singing at City Hall with my women's choir later today, and I will feel thankful to have had so many spectacular women role models in my life.
Here's an inspiring video to help celebrate the day...


  1. Wow! What an awesome video! How inspiring! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Happy International woman's day to you! I'm going to work and then going to guild.

  3. Didn't know such a day was coming, so a celebration is not planned. I will be helping my 92-year-old father with his taxes, and playing a game of Scrabble with my 86-year-old Mom, who often wins. Does that count? : )
    Love the quilt painted on the wall. I especially love that it looks like it is just draped over the side of the building. Looks like Burgoyne Surrounded to me.
    Now I am going to watch the video.

  4. Love that picture of the quilt on the wall!

  5. Thank You. I learn so much more than just quilting from you. Thank you so much.
