
Thursday, October 15, 2015

Midmonth UFO Update

Having a little break with some free motion quilting on Cozy Afternoon was just what I needed to get myself back to the straight line quilting on Easy Street
Here is a very boring picture of the grey backing of the quilt. It's really not as puffy as it looks, but you can see that lots of fairly straight lines have been quilted, and progress is being made. I'm starting to believe that this UFO might actually be finished this month!! Should I think positive, anticipate a finish, and get the binding prepared just in case?!?


  1. Oh, you go girl! Yup, you will get-r-done.

  2. Yes, get the binding ready so when you are done with the lines you can pop it on! I just have 1 side of binding on a little quilt and then I plan to pin a UFO to Get R Done!

  3. If for no other reason, the fact that Julie's "Binding Blitz" prize this month is a gorgeous bundle of Fall-colored batiks should make you go for it!

  4. Of course you should. What quilting is left? Looks pretty covered from that pic.

  5. Nice straight lines.....definitely do the binding prep!

  6. Looks like great progress and a good chance of finishing up before the end of the month.
