
Sunday, July 12, 2015

Slow Sunday Stitching

Here is the next finished embroidery block for my Life is Beautiful project.
Life Is Beautiful Block #12
Notice a few things that are not quite right about this one? This is the block where I switched up the graphics and text between two blocks (click here to read about that). You can see I didn't do a great job of centering the design, but that's not fixable at this point. C'est la vie! The words are a little wobbly too. Oh well. 
But the one thing that is fixable, is the seaweed on the right of the fish. Somehow when I traced the lines, I didn't connect the seaweed with the bottom curve.Ugh... that was bugging me. 

So I put it on the wall for a day or two to see if I could live with it and nope... I can't. 
Must have closure!
I reminded myself of Sheldon (from Big Bang Theory) and his need for "compulsive closure".  Click here for the video clip.
See how I fixed it? Ahhhh... so much better now! It's not my favourite block in any way, but you can't love 'em all!
What are you hand stitching today? Are you working on "closure"?!?  And speaking of closure, if you missed my post on Thursday, I finally finished my hand quilted wallhanging "Always Home".
Here in North Bay, we are sitting in the gazebo enjoying some hand stitching. I'll post more about that next week.
Link up your blog post below... we'd love to see what you are hand stitching today.


  1. Stitching in a gazebo listening to gurgling water ...ideal Sunday Stitching :)

  2. Sounds like your retreat has been very restful and productive. Enjoy the rest of it.

  3. If something is bugging me, I have to fix it. Enjoy your gazebo stitching. It sounds heavenly.

  4. Love how your block has ended up :) Thanks for the linky too! I love your sunday linky a lot.. I catch up with bloggy friends on Sundays because of you! :)

  5. your handwork is so nice and even! I liked up the start of my next project, hope that's okay. planning on putting needle to squares today.

  6. well with one finish last week I have no more close to finish but will be stitching on my quilt on the frame I'm sure - will be in the 90's and I won't be outside for most of the day - too hot and humid.

  7. Hi Kathy! First, I love following the progress of your Life is Beautiful project and your new blog header looks great! I hope ya didn't mind that I linked my piggy bank challenge today. I just wanted to personally invite you and your readers to join us in saving change for a quilty treat. Stop by and check things out. :)

  8. I love your red stitched blocks....; that Life is Beautiful quilt will be just lovely....hugs, Julierose

  9. When I get frustrated with a project it put it aside for at least one day before coming back to it, that always helps. That fish is so cute!
