
Tuesday, April 07, 2015

April UFO goal

It was hard to pick a UFO this month. I finally decided on my polka dot batiks project, since I finished my other polka dot quilt last month. This one uses Bonnie Hunter's block pattern called Carolina Chain.
I started these blocks as a leader/ender project in the summer of 2010, and lost interest in them two years later when I became obsessed with the Alamo Stars.  It's time for these to become a finished quilt!
To see more April UFO promises, hop over to A Lovely Year of Finishes.


  1. I've been fooling around with this block too. Love your colors!

  2. It's #4 on your UFO list, I see on your sidebar. You're right on schedule. It's a Bright quilt. love the dots! Good luck getting it closer to a finish this month.

  3. This one really looks like a fun one.

  4. Very pretty and fresh looking! They deserve your attention. : )

  5. Ooooo. These are luscious! Did you make them from scraps? Or did you cut into yardage?
