
Friday, October 04, 2013

Struggling with my inner Pigpen

Did you read Teresa's blog post about organizing and purging your stash?!? So many great ideas and inspiration. If you live near Michigan, don't miss out on a great stash enhancing opportunity when Teresa has her sale this weekend. Sure do wish I could go!
I would like to be organized with my fabric and try very hard. You can see some of my storage "system" here, but it pales in comparison to Teresa's organization for sure!! 

Admittedly I often look around my sewing room and shake my head in disgust. But the fact is that when I am working on a quilt (which I always am) I am a Pigpen.

Photo from Quizilla

I make a really big mess. Yep...there, I said it!  They say that the first step to making a change is admitting the problem. So here's the problem....
I spread all the possible fabrics for the quilt out on tables, and pin some to the design wall. I really should have taken a photo of my work space when I was working on my peace quilt, but it was just too embarrassing, even to myself! Do you know how many scraps of fabric I had to see to pick out just the right ones for my pinwheels?!? I just have to immerse myself in the colours and fabrics and make the necessary decisions about what "works" together.This is the fun part of creativity, but it is also what makes such a big mess.

So, like PigPen, I am learning to be accepting of my creative messiness. And every once in a while it gets unbearable, and I just have to clean off the cutting table at least! 
Today is one of those days!


  1. How very nice that you gave a link to Fabric Therapy's garage sale. I am also trying to improve (control) clutter in my sewing area. So far I've taken a before photo after a mini straighting. Then I start sewing. LOL.

  2. I too have been organizing this week. It is just overwhelming to have so many projects and parts and pieces laying around...would you like some UFO's, LOL! Just and I are in the same place, Kathy! I feel I just must get rid of some is time!

  3. A person just cannot sew and quilt in an uncluttered environment! It's a law of physics. :)

  4. I also have a messy sewing husband says there is fabric in every room of the house, lol. I keep meaning to clean it up but the sewing part is so tempting and always wins over cleaning up!

  5. There really is no choice when it comes to cleaning or creating right? Having said that... I have found over the last few months in my new room that I am much more productive when there is less clutter so I'm trying to pick up more often. I have an empty drawer and a bin for "dumping" that I can sort out later (or look for something I just used in). To each our own...

  6. hehe - That's what my hubby calls my sewing room - pig pen! Fabrics and scraps are everywhere. I figure when it gets too bad (twice a year) it gets cleaned and organized. Hmmmm someone comes down twice a year and needs to sleep in there..... otherwise it would never get cleaned! Too tempting to just sew while I can. Speaking of which... must go pull all the blacks and greys and play.

  7. Teresa is my Organizing Goddess! Try as I might, I just don't see it happening for me.
    I heard on the news the other day that people with cluttered desks are the most productive. I'm taking that to mean my sewing space since that is where I work. :)

  8. I am right there with you in a pigpen...where did all that fabric come from and who tossed it around the room!

  9. If there is a flat surface it is covered with blocks, UFO, or just newly bought fabric piles. I hear ya Pigpen. But like most messy places I know where everything is.
    It is about to become more messy. I have fixed up and have ready to go my treadle machine 1918 Singer 127. Now I just have to become coordinated enough to use it!!! haha DH is better at the treadling part than myself!!

  10. I'm a pigpen also and my sewing room is in my dining room! LOL So I have to clean up every once in a while, although I'm sure some people don't agree it is all that clean, but they should have seen it before I cleaned!

  11. haa-haa! You described me to a "T"! It doesn't help that I was gifted 5 bags of fabric that I am still wading through. I plan on giving away about half of it, just so I don't increase my hoard too much!

  12. haa-haa! You described me to a "T"! It doesn't help that I was gifted 5 bags of fabric that I am still wading through. I plan on giving away about half of it, just so I don't increase my hoard too much!

  13. Thanks for the shout out, sweetie! Day one of the sale is over, and believe me, IT WAS A FEEDING FRENZY!!! OMG! But the bargains were irresistible and everyone was so nice and patient...I just love quilters!!

    Your peace sign quilt is so...neato! All you need is a little Grateful Dead on the boom box while working.

    I make a complete mess when I am working as is an important part of the creative process. But I do come up for air and clean up when it makes me too crazy. I'll take a picture when I have everything out again. The other day, the cat was helping me spread selvages ALL OVER THE BASEMENT! He thinks i work with them so he can play.

    Teresa :o)

  14. You really don't want to see my sewing area/room. I have enough room to walk to the sewing machine and then back out. I did have to clean up the table though. I was paper piecing a 12.5 inch red and white maple leaf. Now I'm on to borders for another quilt...

  15. LOL I don't have a sewing room so you can imagine the mess when I am sewing in the dining room, that spills over to the living room ...

    I'll bet if I had a sewing room I'd rarely clean it up ...I'd just shut the door to my PigPen :) I'd be so thrilled that I did not HAVE to clean it up, anyway :)

  16. You can be clean or you can be creative. Creative is definitely more fun.

  17. Thats why i love my sewing rm (its 27 X 30 ) and still not big enough for all my sewing machines and fabric. BUT I can leave it all about if I want so embrace your inner Pigpin!
