
Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Backing pieced

I did a bit of sewing last night to piece a backing for the quilt top I sewed at a guild class last month. I just took a piece of stash yardage and added all the leftover scrap pieces that didn't get sewn into the quilt top in order to make a backing big enough to fit. It looks very baggy and messy, but it will probably quilt out, right?!?
I am looking forward to guild meeting tonight when we will get to see the layouts that people designed using the rectangle block at last month's party. I was really hoping to have the entire quilt finished by today, and I have everything ready to quilt this project...except time!
I have also been working on my mug rugs for the "April Showers" blog hop. Here's a clue for what I am making..."April showers bring May flowers".
Hop over to see the wonderful mug rugs being posted at Sew We Quilt...and come back on Thursday to see how mine turned out.


  1. I find that if I piece a back and add blocks so they run horizontally instead of vertically things will work out. Of course, I am loading it on a longarm frame. that is our general rule keep the seams parallel to the rollers.
