
Friday, January 25, 2013

Corner of Easy Street

I just had to sew up a corner of my Easy Street mystery to see how it was going to look.
I wish my greys were darker and it looks very green! 
Oh well, I am familiar with this uncomfortable stage of making a mystery quilt.
I know I need to "push on" and eventually either it will grow on me, or I will find the perfect person to gift it to! I sure am enjoying sewing up the blocks, so have decided to focus on the journey, not the destination!


  1. Very smart to focus on the process. I think it is coming out great and you can always tone things down with the borders. I have two more triangles to sew from step 7 and then I am onto the blocks in step 8. I can't wait for no kid Saturday to play =).

  2. do it do it! you're near the end.... at the corner of easy street... love your mini enders in the corner... and it doesn't matter if you don't like the easy street after it's done IF you're giving it away anyways :-) it's FUN to make.... keep at it

  3. I like it...if they grays were too dark, they would drown the blues and greens. I go through this stage with quilts sometimes too, and it usually works out in the end.

  4. It's looking good. I like the muted look of your greys. I had the same "oh my that's green" thought when making mine. A turquoise border fixed it right up :)

  5. I fell behind over the holidays and with commitments to my guilds for projects I haven't gotten back on track. I like the green so if you don't like it when it is finished maybe you will like mine and we could switch...I fear mine is going to be very orange!!

  6. It's looking great!! When you are done and have it quilted, it will have a whole different feel! You can do it!!!

  7. Love it ! if nobody else want it :)))

  8. Looks great! I'll take it off your hands ;)!

  9. Having followed your blog for a long time now, I think it's safe to say you're not a lime green person. LOL. I know who would love this quilt - young teens - they seem to adore this color - at least this is what I've learned from my experience.

  10. You can't judge a quilt by its corner! : )
    You know your border choices will influence what color is dominant, so you still have power to make it less green, if you choose. I still only have 2 blocks made, so I have no clue how I will feel about mine, yet, but I think yours looks great!.

  11. I've got just 4 blocks left to sew on mine and it turned out to be less green than I originally thought. Now I trying to decide on border fabrics as the quilt has decided to live with us. I think your ES is looking beautiful.

  12. Mysteries are so hard for me to undertake...your quilt looks great and I am sure the perfect recipient will find their way to it!

  13. Your borders may tone down some of that green Kathy. I'm planning on using a purple inner border and a deep aqua outer border. I love the lime green but I think it needs a little taming on my quilt too :*)

  14. keep going! I really like it and I like your grey fabrics too.

  15. It's going to be awesome! Keep going you will love it when it is done :o) And if you don't then I'll have it :o)

  16. It's really looking beautiful and it will be stunning when complete!

  17. It turned out well. I like your color palette. If you aren't thrilled with the greens maybe you can find a border fabric that will shift the color focus a bit.

  18. I think it is beautiful! I hope it grows on you as you continue putting it together...

  19. I had to laugh because I have been thinking about sewing blocks/rows together while I am also finishing the last row of blocks and triangles. I think we are ready to have this one put together, huh?

  20. It's great!!! I've seen the end product and well yours is great trust me!
