
Sunday, November 11, 2012

Slow Sunday Stitching

Sometimes you don't really feel like sewing anything. Winter's coming and it's dark and rainy outside. You're tired and just want to hibernate with the bears until spring. Some days you really just need some inspiration to fan the tiny embers of creative life that are barely burning.
That is where the internet comes in! We are so so lucky to have unlimited inspiration at our fingertips.
Before you start your slow sunday stitching today, grab a cup of tea/coffee and treat yourself to some of my favorites this week:
1) Drop in and see Teresa's truly amazing organizational system for managing tiny pieces of fabric - click here
(While you're there, make sure you look at the photo on the right sidebar of her cat snuggled up in her quilting hoop.)
Teresa is a quilter after my own heart I tell you!
Now... don't be thinking to yourself "I am such a slug". 
Say to yourself, "What great ideas to inspire and delight"!

2) Then go to see Sue's incredible post about 30 completely hand made quilts from the French Guild of France Patchwork - click here
Did I mention every single stitch taken by hand??!?
Of all the quilts shown on Sue's post, I am 100% drawn to Clarissa. I have loved that quilt since I first met it in Vermont last year - click here to read about it.

Here is a close up photo I took of one of the blocks. 
I am going to make my own Clarissa one of these days. Maybe when my kids move out and I have nothing but time on my hands?
The original Clarissa has over 6,000 pieces of fabric, so I am going to need Teresa to come over and help me get organized if I'm ever going to accomplish that!
I hope you were inspired by these two amazing blog posts today. Now, don't be thinking to yourself "why do I even get up in the morning?" Instead, go and get your sewing out, and enjoy some wonderful, quiet moments of peaceful stitching while you run those amazing quilt images through your creative brain and dream about the quilts you have yet to make.
And don't forget to spend 2 minutes in silence at 11 am to commemorate Remembrance Day while you stitch. 
I will be putting a few stitches in my Journey of a Quilter.
Then blog about what you're stitching and link up your post below so we can be inspired by your creativity.


  1. I love the idea of a quilt totally made by hand. My dear hubby says I would be an antique by the time I got it done...what does he know anyways.
    Love the brown selections for your knot block too!!:)
    Northern Blog Stalker

  2. Oh Kathy...I was so excited to see your link to Sue Garman's posting on the French quilts at the Houston show. They were wonderful but I was not as energetic about getting photos and all the information about each quilt. I did meet the ladies traveling with the quilts and have contact information for a meeting in Paris! So fun how things work out.

  3. Oh how inspiring! Thanks for sharing the links! I'm hoping to link up today if I can find time to write up my post :*)

  4. I saw Teresa's great way to storage her fabrics. Her work is amazing.
    I hope to do some slow stitching later this afternoon.

  5. Thanks for the links Kathy. I'm feeling very inspired right now... long may it last!

  6. Kathy, thanks again for hosting this amazing reminder of all the wonderful quilter's out there!!

    Have a blessed day!!
