
Saturday, November 19, 2011

FNSI Report

I can't believe how little I have to show for my sewing last night and this morning!
First of fabric for the new Quiltville mystery is a line of fabric called "Grace" by 3 sisters. This is the first time I have ever bought fabric for a quilt based solely on it's's has so much meaning for me right now, so I bought it!  I don't dislike the fabric, but it's a lot softer and more blendy than I usually sew with. I have no idea if I even have enough to make half of the mystery blocks, but I'll make what I can with what I have. Comparing my fabric to the mystery requirements... my brown=black, red=red, green=blue, and the beige=neutrals.
I washed, pressed and cut step #1 of the Quiltville mystery. I cut a lot of strips and companion angle triangles for the 224 QST's/hourglass blocks. 

And here is all I have to show for my efforts...21 finished blocks!
To see if other sewers were more productive, hop over to the Friday Night Sew-In blog.


  1. What beautiful fabrics... and what a great idea to use this line for the Orca Bay Mystery quilt-along! Love your little blocks... you are a very brave woman!


  2. Washing and pressing the fabric takes a lot of time so you really DID get a lot accomplished! Great job. I like the way the squares turned out.

  3. That is a very nice fabric line. Should make up nicely together--can't wait to see these Orca Bay quilts grow. I echo The Empress--you are brave.

  4. Prepping for start always takes way longer than anticipated. And no matter how prepped you are, Bonnie's gazillion components in her first steps tend to make one feel like they are the slowest sewer on the planet. And I haven't even started yet.

  5. Oh my, there may only be 21 of them, but they sure look nice............ and tempting, too. I must resist, I must resist.......

  6. I LOVE the Grace line of fabrics! Your hourglass blocks look so pretty - can't wait to see how the whole Orca Bay quilt turns out in that color way. I'm doing black, neutrals, reds and then turquoise instead of Bonnie's blues. I've got 260 of the 2 patch quarter square triangles sewn together, and 2 of the hourglass blocks. Long way to go!

  7. Beautiful fabrics for Orca Bay. I did the same for FNSI. At least we got all of our cutting done on step one. I only made 15 blocks. Now the fun part begins.

  8. You choose a wonderful collection, can't wait to see more of the block.

  9. Beautiful fabric. I'm sure it will turn into a soft and restful quilt. 21 little blocks may not look like much, but it is a good start. I'm sure you'll be able to sneak in and sew the rest a little bit at a time during the next week.

  10. You really did get off to a good start (in my eyes). The fabrics are very pretty so it should make for some enjoyable sewing.

  11. Great start! Those blocks look lovely!

  12. Sure looks like you had fun playing with your pretty fabric.
    The blocks are looking good so far.
    Enjoy the Mystery.

  13. Looking good! I am looking forward to sewing along with you!

  14. It doesn't matter how many you finished.. the fact that you were sewing was the goal and achievement for FNSI. The fabric looks very pretty too! :)

  15. I think 21 blocks is a great result. Perhaps you'll like the fabrics more once the quilt is all together.

  16. I think you got a lot done for FNSI. Your fabric is really pretty!

  17. I fell in love with this 'Grace' collection too, and bought a FQ bundle to make a small quilt, which I haven't had time to start yet LOL!!! What I loved about it was that soft look, very olde worlde! Look forward to seeing what you create with it!!!

  18. Lovely fabrics Kathy - you did well for the evening - FNSI is a fun time :)

  19. Your blocks look good. Your speed may increase with practice, but in the meantime you are sure to have a lovely quilt when you are done.

  20. That will look lovely I am sure, I never thought of doing a Bonnie quilt using a line of fabric instead of scraps, what a great idea! I often find the cutting takes longer than the sewing, so if you have cut more than you have sewed I think you have done well!

  21. It is going to be fun to see your color pallet come together.

  22. Hello Kathy,

    Preparing for a quilt is a lot of work. Now you can just enjoy lthe sewing. I have three sisters so will have to look out for that fabric.

    happy days.

  23. Pretty! I read through and downloaded Bonnie's part 1 but won't join in just yet. Seems many folks were raring to go just like you!

  24. You are way ahead of me - I have not had time to start at all but I plan on working overtime on it today. Your little blocks look sweet!

  25. I love your fabric choices! I'll be watching the steps, but can't start until I finish the last one. Have fun!

  26. I love your blocks, as you say they are soft, not like my wild ones, but I may wish that I'd gone for 'soft'. I've never used a line of fabric due to being a bargain hunter, but I've always admired the ones I've seen and I'm sure yours will be awesome. The fabrics are soft and lovely.

  27. this is going to be beautiful in this fabric line!!!!
    can't wait to see more!
