
Monday, November 14, 2011

Design Wall Monday #42

I have my November project for the UFO Challenge on my design wall and finally have a scrappy border on. These are the "fox and geese" blocks from the Quiltville mystery from 2009 called "Carolina Christmas". These poor blocks have been waiting since April 2010 for this border! My next step is to piece a backing from the scraps.
I really wanted to finish this quilt before the next mystery starts this coming Friday...are you playing along with the mystery?!? 
To see more quilt design walls, hop over to Patchwork Times.


  1. Kathy, the colors in this beautiful quilt are gorgeous. I'm really taken with the movement of color around the outside border...very neat!! Have a happy week! :)

  2. Your scrappy border looks perfect, what a beautiful quilt! You are doing a great job on your UFO's!

  3. I remember this quilt! Excellent that you're getting it done!

  4. It's beautiful and I love your colors. You just can't beat those Bonnie Hunter quilts.

  5. The quilt is beautiful!! I love that patten and really like your color choices. I'm doing the same thing, I have a Bonnie quilt (Fair and Square) that I'm trying to finish before the next mystery starts, but I'm thinking not gonna happen. Well it will give me something to work on between clues!

  6. Ha! I too have pulled out Carolina Christmas to work on. And, I will NOT start the new mystery. CC is the only Bonnie Hunter mystery I started. I didn't get too far before I quit. You are being very dedicated to getting your monthly UFO done. Keep up the good work. B.

  7. You are one busy quilter! I am always amazed at how much you get done. Kudos!

  8. You have made such great progress on finishing up your UFOs! This is another lovely quilt top - your border selection looks great.

  9. You are doing so great with your UFOs. You are about out of them aren't you???
    I love the pink and green together!

  10. I love the way you have put this together! I can't quite decide if I am in for the new mystery or not, but I have until Friday to decide!

  11. Oh, I like your color choices! The border you've just added is a great addition. Good luck on getting it all finished.

  12. That is a gorgeous quilt. My resolve Not to do this upcoming mystery is getting weaker. : )

  13. Your quilt is just wonderful! The way you've pieced that scrappy border really adds to the block and makes it sparkle. I'm wanting to join in that mystery quilt too. I'm excited for it to start but we'll see if I work on it or just enjoy watching others make their quilts. Just so many projects. Congratulations on getting so much progress done on another UFO!

  14. That is the only Bonnie mystery I have not done. Your color choices may make me rethink that decision. Your border choice was a perfect way to set it off.
    I am planning to do Orca Bay. I have my colors picked already. I had conveniently forgotten about Novembers UFO. I better get cracking!

  15. It is a gorgeous quilt. I would love to be able to get most of my UFOs done. You are on top of it all.

  16. I'll be working on my UFO's some more and saving the Clues for the MYSTERY. By your posting I see that there are only 10 weeks left to finish some UFO's before they are relegated to the NEW UFO list.

  17. Love this color combo and your quilt looks great. I am not a mystery quilt person because I would have to give up control! I do more scrappy quilts too. I can't wait to see the mystery thought, her patterns are great.

  18. Love this color combo and your quilt looks great. I am not a mystery quilt person because I would have to give up control! I do more scrappy quilts too. I can't wait to see the mystery thought, her patterns are great.

  19. Lovely blocks. And I too love the softness of your colors. It says "Christmas" without shouting it. Toni

  20. Beautiful colors. It must feel good to get this one crossed off the list. Love the secondary pattern created by the cornerstones. Having it done before Friday will make you feel SO much less guilty about starting in on the new mystery.

  21. Love, love, love this quilt. I love stars and I love pink and green together. Such a happy quilt!

  22. Love your quilt and I'm also going to participate in the ORCA BAY quilt starting this Friday.

  23. After seeing so many of Bonnie's wonderful, scrappy, mystery quilts--yours included--I'm so happy I found out, from your blog!!--that she's starting a new one! I have a lot of work to do to get my fabrics ready in time for Friday! Thank you!!

  24. I am scrambling to clean up my sewing space so I am ready for the mystery. I have a few things to finish up too.

  25. Very very pretty! Love all the greens best, of course, but that pink makes it sing :) I haven't touched my UFO yet this month. Seems I keep putting other projects in front of it!

  26. You're doing great with your UFO list! This one is really beautiful. Best of luck in getting it finished!

  27. Your Carolina Christmas is lovely. I'm all set for Clue 1 of Orca Bay...tick tock! Sandi

  28. Love the colors on your CC. And, no, I won't be doing BH's mystery. I love her quilts but all those little pieces, and the speed with which she moves, is way too much for me. But I look forward to seeing yours grow and grow.

  29. It's lovely. Mine is done in Christmas fabrics and I hope to finish it for this Christmas season. I have the border blocks done but may go without since I quilt on my DSM and it's already huge. I love the colors of yours.
