
Sunday, September 11, 2011

September 11th

I am forcing myself to watch the 9/11 specials on TV tonight. I am amazed at how it still feels so raw for me after 10 years.  The visual images are still so incredibly powerful.


  1. I feel like that too. There is more to learn and hearing the latest release of cockpit voice boxes from United Flight 93 brings it home again. Plus I had not really seen the video or pictures of the jumpers. I think of a family watching and realizing that it is their family member...some photos are that clear. A very emotional day.

  2. I was remembering for friends today what I was doing that awful morning. I remembered driving to work, and before getting on the freeway I saw a woman striding down the street waving a HUGE American flag - the size you would carry in a parade - waving it back and forth with great vigor. And I burst into tears telling the story, just as I burst into tears seeing the woman waving the flag that morning.

  3. As I left for my morning walk that day 10 years ago, I left the TV news on--something I never do. When I walked in the door after my walk they were showing footage of the first plane hitting the tower. Then I saw the other plane live--and the news of the pentagon and the plane going down in the field. I was glued to the TV--saw the towers go down. I imagine for those who lost loved ones or lived through it, that a lot of this "new" footage being released is simply too painful.

  4. It was difficult to watch many of the scenes but good to see how many people survived, due to the acts of their co-workers, rescue workers, strangers. It was an amazing day.

  5. We watched a lot of the coverage, too. I don't think it will be easy to view, but it is important that we not forget what evil can do.
