
Sunday, July 17, 2011

Scrappy Sunday & Josh

I seem to be having some blogger issues...don't know where my Saturday post went, so I'll make another one for Sunday and it will be longer now :)
Here is my finished red, white and blue scrap project for the Rainbow Challenge. 
I really liked it until someone commented on last week's post that I got the blue and red reversed in the flag layout... say what???!!! I really had no idea that the US flag colours are the exact opposite until that moment, and then I thought I can't believe I did that!
Oh's done now! I'm looking for some star buttons to embellish and do hope that no one takes offense because of my design error.
I have decided that for the rest of July I will focus on using up my red and blue scraps that are big enough to cut into bricks for my group quilt - click here to see it.
If you want to see what other scrappy quilters are working on - click here and go to Angela's blog.
I can't resist showing you what I did last night, although it's not quilting related (it's inspiration related!).
This is where I went...

and wasted 3 hours of my life sitting on the Bluewater bridge (1 1/2 hour wait time each way) to cross the US - Canada border.
And this is why I see a Josh Groban concert and he was amazing! This is the second time I have seen him in concert in Detroit and it was a fabulous show each time!


  1. No offense taken about the flag. When I was in Canada on July 1st this year I made the mistake of calling it Dominion Day. When did that change? : )
    Anyway--sooo jealous about the Josh Groban concert. I'd wait in line to cross the borde longer than that if I could see him live in concert! Way to go!!

  2. Lucky You to get to go to a Josh Groban Concert twice. I'm lucky to see a good singer once around where we live. Last one I hears was Trace Adkins at the County Fair. Later that night he went into the Hospital and had Kidney stones. You'd never know it by his presence on the stage that he was hurting. No worries about the flag. It's artistic license...

  3. I think these are "my" scrapes and I didn't notice the misplaced colours--whoa! It looks great and you may have just established a new country with it's own flag.

  4. Love the flag. And if you look at other flag quilts they are frequently only representational, not replicas. Besides, creativity is what we quilters are all about, right>

  5. Love the flag, even if it's not "traditional". It's got the right spirit!

  6. So funny, it didn't even occur to me that the colors were reversed until you mentioned it. The littl swirlies thatbyou quilted in the red are adorable!

  7. Oh my goodness! Josh Groban IS AMAZING! I've not seen him in concert and one day hope to...but I do have his music! You lucky woman!!!!

    grin...and hugz
