
Monday, September 13, 2010

Design Wall Monday #35

I'm quite impressed with myself this quilting room is full of activity! This is what is on my design wall this morning. I started these blocks in the spring and posted them on a design wall Monday at the beginning of May - click here to find the link to the block pattern. I didn't have enough fabric to make the quilt a useable size. On Saturday I found more fabric to add to this project, so I finished up the blocks to make a nice size lap quilt. Now I just have to sew the blocks together and then put on 2 borders....someday :)
This is what is on my ironing board....I am making prairie points from  1 1/2" squares for this project. Very fiddley but fun...I have enough ready here for all 4 sides of the mini quilt.

And this quilt is laying on my quilting table!
I want to show it at guild meeting this week with the other quilts that were made from this class, so I have a deadline to motivate me. I have it pin basted and have some of the threads picked out to quilt each buzzsaw blade in a different colour...that will be fun!
Hop over to Judy's blog and see what other quilters are working on this week!


  1. Those are some itty, bitty prairie points. Can't wait to see the finished project!!!
    Love the buzz saw! You have had a very busy week!

  2. What a great blur of activity in your sewing room! Every surface being USED with different projects! I'm jealous! I have projects on the floor, and in containers, and one on the design wall, but no activity at all, nothing being used as of yet! Time to get crackin'! Beautiful work!

  3. Yes, you have had a busy and productive week. I love all your projects. The colors are so pretty.

  4. i love that buzz saw pattern!! Gorgeous quilt. You have lots of beautiful projects on the go!

  5. Your are making good progress on those UFO! I want to start some new things in the worst way but I'm going to finish these bindings and quilt a couple tops for Mom. I also have a flannel quilt to do for Keith for I'm not counting that as playing!

  6. Don't you hate seeing typos just when you hit the send button? Of course I meant you're not your.....

  7. Oh, so many pretty colors. What a great selection of spring shades. You are doing so well on getting things finished up -- not always the most fun, but it is the most important part of the process.

  8. Your buzz saws are log cabins, kind of, arent they? Really nice. And I love all of your projects.

  9. You are on a roll! Your projects look great - happy sewing!

  10. Buzzing through the project list, are you? Sorry, couldn't resist the pun. All your work looks bright and fun!

  11. The Disappearing 4 patch looks great! Hope it doesn't have to wait TOOOOO long to get finished :)

  12. I love the bright colours you are using in these quilts. I am also surrounded by quilting projects in progress. My husband says they have taken over the house...

  13. There sure is a lot of activity going on there.

    Great quilts and both soon to be finished.

  14. Wow, you are a quilting dynamo. I haven't got the ability to work on several projects at once, so I'm very impressed. Great looking projects, too.

  15. I love the nice size and colors of your lap quilt. Your buzzsaw blade quilt has great bright colors, too.

  16. I am not even going to pretend to try and get something ready to show at my first guild meeting of the season. that would drive me even further nuts. My immediate goal is to cut all the scraps in box 1 into usable pieces using my Marti Michell templates.
