
Sunday, August 11, 2024

Slow Sunday Stitching

Welcome to the weekly link up that celebrates all types of hand stitching! 

Do you enjoy applique, hand quilting, knitting, embroidery, cross stitch, EPP, crochet, rug making or beading? If so, we are your tribe! We hope you will visit the links below and sprinkle encouraging comments everywhere you go. And of course we hope you will link up your current hand stitching progress to share with us.

I am so glad the olympics are over today because I am exhausted from all this TV watching! LOL 

I have been cross stitching every evening for at least a bit of time and have made progress on several projects, but finished nothing! Here are some fish for the July Square Dance block, but there is so much more to stitch.
I have just been putzing around here and there, and it seems like I don't have much to show for my efforts. That's okay... it's been fun!

Also fun was going to quilt judging school yesterday, learning a lot, and seeing this gorgeous field of sunflowers on the way home! It was so beautiful I could hardly take it in! Until it started raining and then I was done admiring the beauty and scurried to the car.

What are you hand stitching this week? Are you having summer adventures and accomplishing less stitching, or is it only me??

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


  1. What a beautiful picture of you with the sunflowers! 🌻 cute fish! Hasn’t it been fun watching the olympics?! The venues are spectacular and the athletes are amazing. Gail at the cozy quilter

  2. Eventually, the Olympic stitching will evolve into a finished project. I putz a lot. Lucky you to come across a field of sunflowers!

  3. Your little fish are so cute! I agree - the Olympics are a lot to keep up with. It has sounded like you got a lot of stitching done during the last few weeks, though. Beautiful sunflowers - that's a really fun picture you took! Have a wonderful Sunday, Kathy!

  4. Kathy, your little fish are so cute! And I am definitely a part of your tribe. The sunflowers are beautiful! I’m glad you got to enjoy them for a little while.

  5. This week I've got to make progress on my Jewelry Christmas tree! But it is slow going.

  6. Oh! What a cheery sight! I went to a Sunflower festival with my son a few years ago. What a treat to see.

  7. Sunflowers are so pretty, they are one of my favorites. Enjoy your slow stitching today.

  8. Hi Kate, what a great picture! Hope the jurying course is going well. Take care.

  9. I love your sunflower photo. The fishes are cute.

  10. Oh, the sunflowers! Looks like you created your own backdrop.
