
Monday, January 22, 2024

Another New Start!

In the past few years the Good Hope Quilter's Guild has provided several online mysteries. I haven't jumped in with them yet, and have regretted it every time when I saw their finished quilt. 

This year when I saw the required fabrics posting, I was intrigued and decided to sew along with them. And besides, when the mystery is called "When you shine", how can you resist?!?! LOL

I started by chosing a beautiful border print, even though it is not in the fabric requirements. The size of the quilt is 42" x 42" and I would like a slightly larger quilt, so will add at least one border. Look at this lovely selvage! It says "Just living is not enough, one must have sunshine, freedom and a little flower" for the "Create Joy Project" by Moda (artist is Laura Muir).

I pulled my 9 fat quarter colours from this gorgeous print. 

Some FQs had chucks and bits cut out of them, so for some sets (purple, pink, and gold) I added in other squares . Perhaps it will make it more "interesting"... we shall see how that works out in the end. I just didn't want to buy anything for this mystery, so used what I could find in the stash.

The second step had us making HSTs and some blocks. Here are some blocks on the design wall for 1 set of blocks (and there are 9 sets of colours). I can't imagine how this riot of colour will become a tolerable quilt design! But the writer Diana Vandeyar said:  "Trust the process, and please don’t be tempted to move the fabrics between the groups."

She must have read my mind! LOL

This mystery is presented in quite a unique way, which is great fun for an experienced mystery quilter like me! It's not too late to join in - the next step is posted on Friday.

Linking up to Design Wall Monday at Judy's


  1. Wow I love the border fabric you have chosen and you are using a cute set of fat quarters. I've only done a mystery quilt once and I love it. I'm off to find out more about 'when you shine'. Thank you.

  2. The fabrics you've pulled a lovely. I look forward to seeing how the quilt develops, happy stitching the mystery!

  3. That print fabric is so pretty - and spring-y. The colors you picked to blend are going to really make the print pop.

  4. I wasn’t going to start another thing, but your post intruiged me! Yikes! Thanks, I think!

  5. You make all these mysteries sound so appealing! Love the fabrics you've chosen for this one.

  6. You really can't go wrong with a rainbow. I took a look at the instructions and I'm very intrigued. I have a large stack of charm squares that may work, for at least some of the requirements.

  7. Your border print is so pretty! Love your color palette, it's going to be a bright and colorful quilt, my favorite kid. Have fun with the new mystery. I'm trying to talk myself out of my local guild's BOM for this year. I played in EQ and came up with some really fun color palettes. I'll probably brake down and do it because it looks like fun.

  8. I love the fabrics you have chosen! Will be fun to see how the quilt unfolds! xx

  9. I joined this group too. Thanks for the heads up. Really enjoying the process!
