
Wednesday, January 04, 2023

New Year - New Starts

For the first time since before covid, a group of my quilting friends got together to sew the New Year's Day mystery quilt. We have done a lot of zoom sewing over the past couple of years, but this year we did a hybrid sew along with 3 of us sewing together in person and 3 others joining us on zoom - so fun!

The three who were sewing together worked on the Scrapdash mystery called Cook Your Goose. I pulled some fat quarters from my stash and a bit of yardage, and had a blast sewing the day away! I think it's always best to start a new year doing the activity you hope to do most of in the year ahead!

It turned out to be a pretty 2 block quilt design. These are the blocks I finished during the day. We learned 2 different ways to make flying geese blocks, and I liked the second way more (less trimming needed). I have several parts ready to make the remaining blocks, but have hit the ground running with my 2023 work schedule. So quilting will have to wait to the weekend as I'm sure I won't have the energy this week to sew much in the evenings.

Thank you to Kris for this fun mystery project! Another mystery will be posted on Scrapdash for the Super Bowl, which of course we will do! 

Another mystery/block challenge project is starting which is a block of the month on the Riley Blake website. I really enjoyed last years challenge but lost steam about half way through the year for no reason. The blocks this year are also 10" so I will combine last year's blocks with the new ones I will make this year.

Did you start any new projects this year so far?


  1. You are going to have a lovely quilt. I like these blocks, they play very nice together. Happy stitching!

  2. that will make a pretty quilt. Nice that you all get together even if some join in through zoom - I never got into zoom

  3. What a great way to spend New Year's Day and you'll have a beautiful quilt to show for it. Happy New Year!

  4. Starting the new year starting something new!!hmm
    I am back working on Bonnie Hunter's mystery. I have printed the latest clues, yesterday cut the fabric for clue 3,4 and today sewed on clue 3. That is as close to a new start till this weekend, might begin a new project for my birthday!!

  5. Sounds like so much fun, Kathy! I really miss my January retreat. 2020 was the last year they held it. It was such a fun thing to look forward to after the hustle and bustle of the holidays.
    I really like your mystery blocks. So very pretty!
    I have started no new projects--still staying true to the sign on my sewing room door! LOL
