
Monday, January 09, 2023

Design Wall Monday

The New Year's Day mystery quilt from Scrapdash is on my design wall this morning. I only need to sew 2 more blocks before I can start sewing the top together. Just look at the piles of mess around it. Keeping it real!

My sewing area is a total mess due to residual Christmas chaos and also sewing 2 mystery quilts at the same time. "Someone" needs to get in there, stop sewing, and do some tidying!

Linking up to Design Wall Monday


  1. I love the colors in that quilt! Tidying is over-rated :)

  2. When “someone “ has finished cleaning up your sewing room, could you please send them here? I need “someone” to tidy up my space too.

  3. That's a pretty design! The lighter blocks help the star blocks to glow!

  4. Hou are one busy girl...i can't seem to find time to doone quilt.

  5. Your quilt is looking fabulous, Kathy. Have a productive and great week.

  6. Scrapdash looks wonderful. I find that when I clear a space, I dump something new in it's place. Use to yell at my kids for that!

  7. I really like your blocks. If I knew I would love a mystery quilt that much, I might actually make one. :)
    My sewing room becomes the dumping ground at Christmastime--gifts in hiding, wrapping supplies, messes that need to be hidden away when guests drop by unexpectedly (or even expected, but catching me unprepared). I'm still digging out.

  8. The pink/brown color palette is so pretty. It's good to know I'm not the only one who attempts multiple mystery quilt alongs at once. You do a much better job of keeping up with both then I do.
