
Monday, July 04, 2022

Fish School on the Design Wall

The concept of continuous sewing by always having blocks ready to put through the machine at the beginning and end of everything you sew was revolutionary for me. I learned this way of sewing from Bonnie Hunter's book Adventures With Leader & Enders. For several years she has issued a challenge and she has just listed the July 2022 project called Triple Treat.

Meanwhile in my sewing room, there are still unfinished previous challenges to be finished! The 2021 Fish School challenge has seen periodic additions and it is time to corral these fish and see where this project is at. 

Some colours are sparsely represented in this school and more fish need to be added to make this big enough for a standard quilt. Looks like this project will need to continue before I jump into another leader-ender challenge. 
Linking up to Design Wall Monday at Judy's


  1. Sweet fishies! Leader-enders were a new concept to me, too, when I discovered Bonnie's blog. I had never even heard of sewing on and off a scrap. I've been making 4 patches for a long time for two different scrappy quilts so will look at her new leader-ender when I'm done with those.

  2. What a fun idea! I love your rainbow fishies, Kathy! Happy Independence Day!

  3. love this pattern - I made one or two over the years and always loved them

  4. I like those fish, they look like fun to make.

  5. Wonderful school of fish. If I didn't know better, I'd say they were rainbow trout. ;)

  6. I did the Bow tie L/E challenge and started the Hourglass challenge. The L/E works best when I sort my scraps, guess I better get to it.

  7. What a fun quilt, perfect for the rainbow of colors.

  8. The consistent blue fabric you are using for the background looks really nice for this Rainbow fish school.
