
Monday, May 02, 2022

Design Wall Monday

Half of the Easy Breezy quilt top is on the design wall! You can see the other left side (purple, blue, and green) of the quilt here
It's such a work in progress which takes time to figure out the colour order. If I would have been more organized at the beginning, this stage wouldn't take so long. But I wasn't, and I rarely am at the beginning of a long scrappy journey! I had no idea when I was making the first few blocks that this quilt would become this large!

There are 15 blocks in each column, and they require 46 pins for seam matching in preparation to sew. These are not seams that can be figured out as you go along! 

Linking up to Design Wall Monday at Judy's 


  1. I do admire that rainbow. Despite my best intentions I end up twisting and turning seams to get them to nest.

  2. 46 pins! I think I would stab myself a few times (there's a reason I have a styptic stick next to my sewing machine).

    It is going to be gorgeous when it is finished.

    How big are the blocks?


  3. Word of warning...with that many pins, be careful not to poke yourself "anywhere" while sewing!!

  4. It is going to be a beautiful quilt but ugh on the pinning. On the other hand, you will have a scrumptious quilt when done.

  5. I love how you chose to color-block your EB blocks - looks great!

  6. Pins are my friend. Happy pinning and making the Big finish soon. Monday in the PNW and no where to go, I will be stitching.

  7. Hi Kathy, what a great and simple quilt! Yours looks great but I'm sure that it requires a lot of extra work for the colour coordination - well worth the time. Thanks for sharing the link. I got back into making some patches - it's my favourite type of easy piecing. I may give this one a try. Have a great week.

  8. ... but a wonderful quilt this will be. Hang in there. You are almost done. ;^)
