
Sunday, March 27, 2022

Slow Sunday Stitching

Welcome to the weekly linkup that celebrates the art of hand stitching! We are all about pure relaxation, and taking one s l o w stitch at a time. 

Spring has finally sprung here! It has been a very long winter
 and I'm focused on enjoying my happy sunny projects. 

I have been hand quilting my version of the March Into Spring mystery quilt by Stacy West from Buttermilk Basin. I just had to quilt with a buttery yellow Americana quilting thread 🌞

The centre block is quilted and now I'm deciding on how to quilt the rest of the blocks. At this stage I remind myself "there is no right answer"! Do what makes you happy!

What is making you happy today? 
Link up your blog or instagram post below and share your Slow Sunday Stitching happiness with us!

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


  1. Enjoy your Spring time, Kathy.
    I do belive, do what makes your heart sing.
    So, have fun quilting this beauty, today

  2. Sadly we are back to winter temps today and tomorrow. It isn't supposed to get above freezing at all tomorrow. Really?! Your quilt is very pretty. Enjoy the quilting process.

  3. Yes, do what makes you happy!

  4. That yellow thread is perfect for this cute little quilt! We woke up to white stuff on the ground this morning. Hopefully it melts soon. Thanks again for hosting this weekly linky party. (Good thing I reread my comment…auto correct changed linky to kinky! LOL!)

  5. I love spring too! I wish slowing down was an option but I did find a hand ie project to work on today!!! Have a blessed one

  6. Great colors of your March into Spring piece! We have been in the 80's last week, but I think we will be in the 70's this week, with maybe rain tomorrow, which is much, much needed. Happy stitching!

  7. I love how the flower blocks are used in that design! Such a pretty quilt. Enjoy your stitching today, Kathy!

  8. Hi Kathy,
    Beautiful Yellow Star the colors you
    used for this block. Have a great day!

  9. How I love John James needles! Your “there is not right answer” and “Do what makes you happy,” is so liberating! I’ll have to remind myself of that when I’m making design choices.

  10. Hi Kathy, I'm glad that you're having a slow stitching day :-) My Sunday is winding down and there was no slow stitching today but I'll be at it tomorrow since I'm trying to finish the background stitching of my Traveller's blanket by Thursday. I found a great podcast to I'm looking forward to some quality time with my needle. Have a great week - your quilting is lovely. Enjoy it!

  11. Fabulous Spring has arrived there. Such a pretty quilt to work on in the sunshine. Love the sunshiney flower block.
