
Monday, March 14, 2022

Design Wall Monday

Today my design wall holds a collection of pieces. A yellow ladder for Bitcoin, an embroidery project, yellow  blocks for fish school, plus a weirdo fabric that a friend has chosen for a challenge. It's a challenge for sure! I have no idea what to make with this and have it on the design wall hoping that inspiration will emerge. 

bee brave, bee strong, bee together
The embroidery block is called "Bee Brave" and is a free design by Gail Pan. It was a wonderful hand stitching project this winter. I put it in the centre of the "Stand for Ukraine" block that Pat Sloan posted.  I look forward to hand quilting this little quilt.

Linking up to Design Wall Monday at Small Quilts


  1. Ooooo! Love your BEE Brave block; it is just so fun with the plaid star!

  2. That's a lovely stitchery! So so pretty.. and looks perfect inside Pat Sloan's block xx

  3. It is beautiful, I love gail pans stitcheries. The fabric on the bottom is crazy, love it! Whats it called and is it still available???😊
