
Sunday, December 26, 2021

Slow Sunday Stitching

Merry Christmas everyone and welcome to the weekly hand stitching party! If you have been as busy this week as I have been with shopping, wrapping, cleaning, cooking, and eating.... you probably haven't had much time for stitching. But today is the day for relaxing, and putting some stitches into your projects.

This is the stitchery I am working on today. It's one of the patterns for the Hugs 'n Kisses Advent Stitch-Along. The tree is done and the house is next. I think I will have to put a foundation on my house :)

My daughter got some stitcheries for Christmas and I was happy that she jumped right in to start the first one. This is what she accomplished on Christmas day. She has learned the stem stitch and the chain stitch, and how to make french knots. Pretty good start! 

Santa brought me this Jolly Box for Christmas from the Fat Quarter Shop, but I haven't opened it yet to see what is in the mystery box!

What are you hand stitching today? Link up your blog post and share your plans for some relaxing stitching today!

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


  1. It was a full busy week. Hope you had a Merry Christmas!
    So now, relax and happy Stitching. Congrats to your Daughter, she is stitching very well.
    I wish you a Happy and Healthy New Year!

  2. Sounds like you had a very happy holiday. I hope your daughter enjoys learning the embroidery stitches. Mine decided last Christmas that she wanted to learn how to do some simple stitches and she's really developed her skill set over the last year. It's been really fun to watch. Hopefully you'll both have time to sit and stitch together before your holiday ends. That's been one of the most fun things about my daughter learning to embroidery, she and I hang out together while we both play with needle and thread.

  3. I wonder what is in the jolly box! ? Such fun little advent embroideries! You should be able to complete this project by next December. Enjoy your holiday time Kathy!

  4. I think I love this part of the Holidays best. The frantic is done, there are leftovers in the fridge and it's time to settle in and relax for a couple of days. I'm off tomorrow with just one errand to run (and that's to the tire store so it shouldn't be crowded). Definitely time to stitch.

    Those two projects are delightful, tell your daughter "well done", a solid mass of french knots like that is NOT easy.

  5. Thanks for the linkys this year Kathy! I love your topper for the end of the year too....
    Lovely stitching between you and your daughter to share!
    Can't wait to see what is in your Jolly Box you lucky girl!

  6. PS. Your daughter’s embroidery looks beautiful!

  7. Ooooh, I like the idea of a mystery box. I can't believe you haven't opened it yet. I don't think I could wait. Your daughter's new stitching is very pretty. I totally agree that the house needs a foundation.

  8. I am very interested to see what is in the Jolly Box - please show when you find out!

  9. Merry Christmas to you and Happy Stitching, love the little house stitchery and your daughter is off to a great start.

  10. Wishing both you and your daughter some relaxing stitching time today! I'm curious to see what's in that Jolly Box!

  11. I hope that you had a very Merry Christmas. You and your daughter of sweet projects that you are working on . I hope that you enjoy them. Have a wonderful day and thank you for hosting the link party.

  12. So glad to get a little time for relaxing today and stitching. My guests have left, and I have a little break before I watch the young grandkids this week. Your daughter has made a great start of stitching!

  13. Cute new stitchery to work on! Glad your daughter is learning to slow stitch too. Both my daughters are crafty but neither of them sew. Hope you enjoy every bit of that FQS box!

  14. You said it! Not the best week to get any stitching done but this week will be a different story (unless you are hosting a New Year's Eve event). I bet your daughter is thrilled with all the stitchery tips you can pass along!

  15. I actually did some hand stitching on the 26th. I stitched some pin cushion thread catchers closed while we were the 'security team' at church (nothing to do except sit there and greet people, boring during service time, since everyone is in the service except us). I hope you had a Merry Christmas. Sorry I haven't been blog reading the past few months. I'll try to do better now.
