
Thursday, December 30, 2021

New Years Mysteries

Now that the busyness of Christmas is over, it's time to look ahead to a new year. How do you celebrate the end of one year and the start of a new one? 

Pre-covid celebrations have included attending concerts and parties with friends, but covid has taken all that fun away. The most fun a quilter can have is to start a new quilt! How about starting 2 quilts on New Year's Day?!? 

Double your fun!

1) Merry Mayhem is providing a free mystery called Ups and Downs. This one starts with 8.5" blocks which is a huge size for me to work with, so I'm intrigued about that. It looks like a great stash buster and you can make the mystery in any quilt size you prefer. The fabric requirements and first step of making HST blocks has been posted here. I'm ready!

2) Scrapdash is hosting their usual New Year's Day mystery and this one is called Winter Walk. The fabric requirements and cutting instructions have been posted here, but all the sewing happens on New Years Day. I'm ready! I have sewn several of the Scrapdash mysteries and enjoyed every one! Click here to see last year's mystery.

You may have guessed by the photos that I plan to sew both mysteries because I couldn't chose between the two of them! NO, we are not talking about the fact that I am knee deep in the Quiltville mystery right now! There is always room for one or two more projects right?!?!

These are the 2 mystery quilt adventures that I am aware of to celebrate the beginning of a new year. If there are there other mysteries I have missed, let us know in the comments below!


  1. Will watch for your tops. The Twilight Quilters Guild is going to do a sit and sew on Saturday and do the Merry Mayhem together. Or sew whatever they want.

  2. my husband has never been one to celebrate so we are almost always at home for New Years Eve and it is like any other evening - sometimes I will put the tv on to watch celebrations going on around the world - but the husband refuses to do celebrations and is a bit of a stick in the mud lol so it is boring here - a night like any other

  3. We haven't been out to celebrate in... several decades. Any more, we try to ignore the whole thing. Well, other than changing the calendars and trying to remember to write the new year on checks that is. No joining mystery quilt projects or any other sew/stitch alongs for me - my project list is already far too long.

  4. Of course you are doing both!! Wouldn't have expected anything different. Love the fabric pulls. I know monitors don't always give true colors, so I have to ask--are the blues in the blue/white quilt leaning toward periwinkle? Whatever, it looks very pretty. And the color combo on the second quilt is soothing, yet striking. Go figure.
    I wish you well on your mysteries. While I was the joiner last year while you held back (sort of), we appear to be going back to our usual modes in 2022. LOL

  5. Just Bonnie's (of course) and working on some UFOs.

  6. I will ring in the new year with some stitching I am sure. These look like a lot of fun . Thank you for sharing the links . I may have to pull some fabrics and join in. Have a wonderful evening and Happy New Year.

  7. Your fabric picks for both mysteries are really lovely. Enjoy the stitching time. Mysteries are such fun, but I've got to work my UFO list down to something manageable before I take on any more. I'll just have to enjoy watching your two come together.
