
Wednesday, September 01, 2021

Design Wall Wednesday

It's already Wednesday and I'm just getting my Monday post done. That tells you what kind of week it has been so far!

I have been slowly sewing blocks for a baby quilt that needs to be finished. It's made with these soft and cozy Robert Kaufman flannels and 8" sawtooth star blocks.

Here is a possible layout. I'm not sure if I'm liking the dark grey stars. This is a dull photo of the blocks... the true colours are in the photo above.

I'm using a medium grey flannel for the border and maybe the dark stars will look better once that is on?

Let's see....

Here is another photo that shows the border fabric hanging beside the quilt. I think it's going to be okay. I love these flannels... especially the elephants and the giraffes. 

Linking up to Design Wall Monday


  1. Flannel fabrics are perfect for baby quilts! Your one is looking so nice, and well on the way to a finished top, it seems.

  2. Love the fabrics you are using and the grey stars look great with the border fabric. The elephants are so cute

  3. With all those beautiful fabrics, this will be the perfect baby quilt.

  4. With the border, the dark stars look fine. Hope your week gets better. My last week was a 'Monday' all week long.

  5. This is such a sweet quilt, Kathy. I love the use of gray . Have a great weekend.
