
Friday, December 18, 2020

Mystery Update

It's one week until Christmas!

And part 4 of the Grassy Creek mystery quilt is posted today! It's the only time of year that I jump out of bed to open up the computer on Friday mornings to see what we're sewing next. It's ridiculous how excited I get about this every year, but especially during Covid19... what other kind of adventure can you have that is as safe as sewing a mystery quilt?!?!

Here is part of my collection of pieces from parts 1 to 3. I have been keeping up with making about half of the blocks each week to make a smaller version of the mystery quilt.

Are you keeping up with the mystery? Let's go sew some blocks for part 4!


  1. Yep, keeping up! I agree it is a nicer distraction than usual...we need all the safe fun we can get!

  2. First year I have been able to keep up! Can't wait to see what colors are in clue #4. Love the so excited photo.

  3. I read the title of your post and thought you might have Clue 4 finished. Whew! I am relieved that you're sharing 1-3. (I just printed 4 but I have errands this morning so it will be a few hours until I can get to the studio.)

  4. These pieces are so intriguing!


  5. You've done really well on the keeping up front. Me not so much. But today is the first day of my holiday vacation, I'm going to head up to the sewing room and hope I can make some good progress before the next clue comes out.

  6. I am keeping up with reading about the mystery. :) But I do love the colors--looks like a fruit bowl!
