
Friday, December 11, 2020

Mystery Update

Part 3 of Grassy Creek mystery is posted today and I haven't finished part 2 yet. I was enjoying cutting and sewing and especially like this gold Patrick Lose fabric called "Christmas Cheer". My gold and greens were looking Christmasy, and I was feeling festive, and all was going well.

Until I realized that I had cut the strips the wrong size! Why did I do that?

I read the instructions and thought I was following them but my brain took a wee vacation and I made large blocks by accident. The blocks I made are on the bottom left and the blocks I need are on the right side. I also trimmed 2 blocks at the same time by mistake and got that wonky block in the middle of the photo at the top. For heaven's sake what is going on here?!?

I plan to settle down and do some sewing tomorrow with some guild friends on zoom. Hopefully they will keep me on the right track, and I can cut and sew correctly and catch up to part 3. 

How are your blocks coming along?


  1. Good luck sewing with your friends tomorrow on Zoom. I would have problems sewing (or cutting) while chatting. Happy stitching!

  2. Been there done that one Kathy! BRAIN FOG! I like your new quilt on the header! Have a great zoom day - I do not have the software or app what ever it is - no zooming going on here!

  3. Oh boy! I find I have read the instructions through twice, then jotted my notes into a notebook for how I will do my units. Then refer to that while sewing. So far.... I have done the blocks fine but my cat companion had been entertaining while I am attempting to sew my clues. Good luck with clue #3. I hope to play with that one this weekend.

  4. How true is that?? I find myself walking down the hallway to get something and on the way have forgotten what it was I was getting!! Ye Olde brain won't hold onto info sometimes!! So, directions --not so much..I have to have them RIGHT beside me and refer over and over...especially when they are for different sizes!! Good luck on this mysteries are happening everyday hahaha
    Hugs from faraway Julierose

  5. I loved the wonky block. Brought a big smile to my face this morning. (We've all done that!) Have fun with the mystery.

  6. Cute Comic of Lucy & Ethel. The wonky block can go on the label, lol. Gotta laugh or you might cry.

  7. I almost trimmed 2 blocks at once a few weeks ago. Thank goodness I caught it before I started. Sorry about the mistakes. We've all been there.

  8. Oooopsie... Hope tomorrow brings you mistake free sewing. Good luck

  9. Oh forgot about clue 3, need to print it and set it aside for after the holidays! Brain fart...cutting error and measuring error...these days anything can help!!
