
Friday, October 23, 2020

Machine Quilting

This month's UFO is a mystery quilt that I made in an in person class (remember the good old days?!?) almost 2 years ago. It really isn't my usual kind of quilt to make, with all the fabrics matching and looking so beautiful! LOL

It takes a lot of thought and preparation to work on a UFO. These are some of the tasks: look for where you carefully stored (hid) the quilt top, find lots of other projects you want to finish up, refocus on the UFO, measure the quilt top, cut a piece of batting to the needed size, gather some yardage to piece a backing, press top and backing, select threads, wind bobbins, pin baste the quilt, and then finally, you're ready to quilt.

I tried a new quilting design this month and I'm excited about how it is turning out. 

I was inspired by a design posted by Melissa who blogs at Happy Quilting when I first saw it more than 2 years ago. She calls the design "loose feathers".

Instead of making the feathers go both directions, I tried to have all the feathers going the same way. It was a good challenge for my brain to quilt one row of feathers from top to bottom, and the next row from bottom to top. But I don't think it was worth the effort and next time, I'll probably stitch the feathers in all directions like Melissa does, since it looks just as nice and is much easier to quilt.

One more week before the end of the month to finish the quilting, get the binding prepped, attached, and hand stitched.

How are your UFO efforts coming along this fall?


  1. Ummm, simply said: they are not coming at all...I even added a NEW one.
    I just canNOT seem to work up any enthusiasm for them..i know I actually liked them once upon a time...s i g h ..(Covid brain fog)

    Good for you working on that pretty one--lovely quilting, too
    Hugs Julierose

  2. Funny...yes...those "in person," events are a bit of ancient history it seems! Love this UFO and your quilting. Beautiful.

  3. So pretty, Kathy! I am getting back into quilting after a 10 year hiatus, but I remember this UFOs well. I’m glad you “found’” this one. It is lovely.

  4. Lovely UFO project that is getting it's own turn to shine, pretty colours, and wonderful qui.ting. I always admire quilters like you who can FMQ so well.

  5. This looks a lovely quilt. I do admire you for knuckling down to a UFO! I'm sure you will meet your deadline. It's seven months since I've sewn with my crafting group of ladies and I do miss our monthly get togethers!

  6. Interesting quilting design, Kathy! My UFOs? I just knocked TWO off my list this week. :o))

  7. UFO finishing does take discipline and work. I have been lucky that a lot of mine I had the back and binding folded with the quilt top.

  8. Haha, I'm with you on the distraction element of looking for the UFOs! That's how I restarted the wool applique I'm working on.

    Love the feather design for quilting, even I might be able to copy that curvy kind of feather. I have a lot of tops and will be sending a couple more out--big quilts are just too much work for my arms, space, and temperament!

  9. Very lovely looking quilt. The quilting looked like half hearts to me till you said loose feathers...looks like that as well. Good luck getting it done. I have dug out a UFO...needs lots of applique in the outside working on that!

  10. The first thing that popped into my mind on seeing those 'loose feathers' was "Oooo! Happy hearts!"
    Good luck with your finish!

  11. Our quilt group has decided to do a very relaxed UFO challenge this coming year. Each member is to list 5 UFOs they want to finish. We'll pick a number in November and we'll have 2 months to finish that project. Given the uncertainties with Covid we wanted to make it easy for everyone to participate whether we are able to meet or not. So my first challenge will be to narrow the list down to five items.

  12. I am really looking forward to the finished quilt. Love what I see so far! Hug
