
Saturday, June 27, 2020

Scrappy Saturday

It's the last Saturday in June, so our month of sewing up the pink scraps is coming to an end. 

A quilting friend shared a bag of scraps with me last week and I pulled out all the pink pieces. Can you guess what she has been sewing a lot of? 

She makes the fancy kind of face masks and has all these unusual shaped scraps left over.

So I started a new project - slab blocks from face mask scraps. Such a great idea!

In my search for pink scraps this month, I came across one that I think I'll just toss in the garbage. Not every scrap is a keeper!

12 Shoo Fly blocks left to sew
And I have been cutting up random scraps to make 12 more 4" Shoo Fly blocks to finish up the collection. I love these little piles of bits just waiting to be sewn in leader-ender style in between other projects.

Hop over to the RSC weekly link up to see what other quilters are doing with their pink scraps.


  1. I agree, some scraps aren't worth saving. Enjoy your pink scrappy stitching today.

  2. I like those fancy masks with all the leftover scraps too. Making scraps is a good thing for quilters though. Glad you could put them all to good use -- well not the pig parts, but the rest!

  3. Those are some great scraps for slab blocks. How nice she passed them along to you!

  4. Yup those little piggie feet have to go out!! My quilt is off the poles...I will post about it tomorrow. Today I will be putting the binding on it! Just under 2 months to quilt it...pretty good timing, but really I didn't have anywhere to go or be so had lots of time to spend on it!

  5. I love slab blocks! They are a nice - not much thinking required - kind of sewing! Perfect for those scraps you were gifted.

  6. Hi,
    I'll agree with everyone...the pig back end has to go..or maybe you could cut it up enough to use the pink...have a great day!

  7. Oh, come on--you know what Bonnie would say about that little piggy. :)

  8. Congrats on your influx of PINK scraps and starting a new project, Kathy!!

  9. That's the kind of face masks I made. Haven't done anything with my scraps but I think slabs is a good idea. They are so versatile. That little piggy scrap needs to go to market and come back out as pickled pigs feet and pork butt roast.

  10. The piggy feet made me laugh out loud!! Pink slabs are an excellent way to use up those oddball scraps (pork not included).

  11. What do you have against pig legs??!! Hahahaha! I agree -- toss it! Your slabs look great and way to go getting your L&E ready. You'll be all set for July's color and RSC blocks!
