
Friday, May 15, 2020

More Unity

Sewing blocks and parts for the Unity quilt continues this week. 
I wish I could produce my blocks in an organized and orderly fashion - cut all the pieces, sew all the pieces, press them all, and trim the HSTs. 
But I can't. Somehow it seems like a lot for my brain to handle these days. So I'm doing it in spurts here and there, randomly cutting and sewing, having no idea how many I still need or have already finished. Just making slow and steady unorganized progress.

part 7 blocks
Blocks are getting made, and I really like them, although it is a lot of pink!
And my sewing time is relaxing and way more fun than sewing masks, so maybe that's the most important thing!

Here are my first blocks for part 7 on the design wall (with the flying geese strips from part 6).
Blocks from parts 6 and 7

I enjoyed this quarantine singalong with the Phoenix Chamber Choir in Vancouver as I sewed... sing along...


  1. I could have written that first paragraph and begun my own blog post with it. I never seem to work start to finish in the orderly way either. I get too eager to see a block, or to do a different step. It usually means that I end up with extra bits, too, because I don't keep good track of my cutting.

  2. I think your colour combination is great. The pinks are super and really bring the block to life

  3. I loved that video! Had to send it to all my friends! I really like your Unity colors, too. I do the same thing when working from a quilt pattern - cut a little then sew a little. Eventually you do make all the blocks!

  4. Love that KF fabric in the pinwheels really shines out..
    I am not organized at all--
    as a matter of fact, I go to a room and immediately forget what I was going there for!! Yikes--I blame C-virus!!;000
    Hope your weekend is a great one Julierose

  5. Your post made me smile. I also have isolation/concentration. The only problem is that I have had it for most of my life. Don't worry 'slow and steady' wins the race.

  6. Thanks for the video link! That was great :)

  7. Thank you so much for the video of the choir singing along, really made my day!

  8. When I saw your first Unity block, I thought, "Okay". When I saw the group of them with the flying geese it was more like, "Wow". That is going to be a pretty quilt!
    LOVED the video--some very clever things going on visually and verbally, and it sounded really good. I was grinning through the whole thing.

  9. Lovely blocks. This is going to be one very lovely quilt. All those pretty and bright colour choices.

  10. Love the video! I had to share it! :)

  11. Hello hello, you're back! That is a lot of pink for you..but it looks wonderful. Loving all that bright green as well. Working away on my hand quilting this week. Should be ready to roll it again this weekend!

  12. If you make extra blocks, you can put them on the back of the quilt. I liked the choir.

  13. Your "Unity" is amazing. Who cares about order as long as it comes out this way! Thanks for sharing the wonderful video.
