
Saturday, January 18, 2020

Scrappy Saturday

January is green month at the RSC challenge, and I have lots of green scraps to sew up, but I have become obsessed with my 2018 RSC Squared Away sampler blocks. There is no predicting when a fascination with finishing a particular quilt will take hold, but when it does, I try to follow through!

light grey alternate blocks
The plan was to add sashing to make it a larger quilt, but in the blog comments last week, Janet suggested adding alternate blocks to make a full size quilt. I love creative ideas from blog readers... thanks Janet! 

auditioning some beige alternate blocks

I started digging in the stash to see what yardage I had that might work. I auditioned several fabrics and truthfully I like them all well enough.

But when my sewing friends came over this week, I showed them the choices, and they preferred the grey fabrics, especially the one on the right.

auditioning grey alternate blocks

Do you have a preference or suggestion?
Linking up to the RSC weekly scrap party and the Oh Scrap party!


  1. Great idea! And I agree with your friends - the darker colour provides the contrast that you need to really make those blocks shine. I'd try other more saturated colours as well - your blocks can take it. Have fun!

  2. That is always the hardest decision! I do like that gray on the right. Have fun moving this one along!

  3. Oooh, I love your blocks! I like the gray on the right, too. Have you thought about adding frames to the blocks? Either way, alternate blocks are a great idea. Looking forward to seeing it!

  4. I concur. Love the darker grey. Really makes your blocks pop
    Betty the quilter

  5. Wow,we all agree. Gray swirls on the right!

  6. I'm seeing lots of greys used as background lately. I agree with your friends, the grey really makes your blocks shine.

  7. I like that grey too...hugs, Julierose

  8. I like the darker grey. Funny, I came across my blocks just yesterday. I've thought to donate them to our cuddle quilts programme, but seeing yours is making me re-think 🤔. Actually I think I will donate them as they will make a cheery quilt for someone 😊

  9. Totally go for the darker grey. It makes the blockspop.

  10. Definitely the swirly gray. It makes your colours pop, and the swirls add more interest!

  11. I, too, prefer the swirly dark gray for alternate blocks. Happy finishing!!

  12. Love the swirly grey! Lots of movement in it! :)

  13. What about Mari's sashings...
    I'm going to try this with one of my UFO's

  14. That grey swirling fabric is my favourite. Happy sewing x

  15. I agree that the darker grey is the best choice. Your blocks look great!

  16. You have great sewing friends that have not lead you astray! I agree with them, that grey fabric is fantastic!!

  17. I'm in camp dark grey also! But I also wonder what they would each look like framed? But definitely on point. Look forward to see what you decide

  18. I favor the light gray but they all work well.
    great blocks
