
Friday, November 22, 2019

Those Darn Flies!

These Shoo Fly blocks (from Bonnie Hunter's leader-ender challenge) are driving me crazy! I can't stop thinking about them! 
Shoo Fly pile
They use up little pieces for the HST corners and feature a larger scrap in the centre. They are like eating chips... you can't just have one or two!
Here's the handful of blocks I've made so far... 70 plus (over 800 scraps sewn) but still a relatively small quilt. So many more blocks to make!

I really enjoy piecing these little blocks and always have one at the ready to put under the needle at the beginning and end of sewing other seams. Here I am sewing borders onto the "Home Grown" quilt top and sewing a leader ender Shoo Fly block from scraps from this quilt. See the parts sitting on the sewing machine bed waiting to go under the needle?

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Here are some of the recent blocks I've made from scraps of other projects. The red print was the border on "Scrap Dance Tango", the brown on the bottom left was from "Almost Reproduction", etc. 

That is one of the things I love about scrap quilts. I know where most of these pieces are from. Some are from quilts I've made and some are from scrap bags from friends. Scrap quilts are memory holders and connect us to each other. 


  1. You are soaring away with those Shoo Fly blocks ;)) they are so adorable..hugs, Julierose

  2. those blocks must only be about 4 inches or so - you will need a bit more still to make something I guess or will this be a project for sometime to come?

  3. Are you planning to put sashing between the blocks? Do you press all the HST to the dark fabric? I did an I Spy quilt with shoo-fly blocks and had a terrible time joining them because the HSTs didn't nest so there was a lot of bulk where they joined.

  4. They really are great blocks! I have a good stash of 2.5" bonus HSTs and some pre-cut 6.5" squares. This would be a fun and easy way to combine them into something interesting :)

  5. Very nice Kathy~ Great way to use your scraps!

  6. Shoo Fly blocks are sew cute. I need to kit some up to ise diring the Mystery.

  7. 70 blocks and STILL a small quilt?! Sounds like you need to make BIGGER blocks!! :P

    Just kidding. They are SEW cute!

  8. They do look lovely.. I should do that with my international sisters blocks

  9. That is a great stack of flies! You're right, one of the joys of making scrap quilts is all the memories that are attached to the fabrics. These are beautiful.
