
Monday, October 28, 2019

Design Wall Monday

A little bit of progress has been made on the modern alphabet paper pieced baby quilt (pattern by Tamara Kate). There are only 3 more letters to sew and the fabrics are already selected. It's so close to being a complete quilt top. 
Hop over to Small Quilts to see more design wall blog posts.
And also... while you're hopping around the internet, drop by Humble Quilts and see all the amazing mystery quilts link ups. There are over 30 already posted for us to enjoy. It's inspiring to see all the different versions of a mystery quilt pattern and see how quilters put together a wide range of colours to make beautiful quilts!


  1. Oooh, isn't that coming along well!

  2. Looking really good. Almost done!

  3. I like the "HI" standing out in the lime green.

  4. Me likeee, me likeee, it is so cute. I like the "HI" in a different color too. Thanks for linking with Design Wall Mondays, Judy
