
Friday, April 05, 2019

Machine Quilt Day

Cat Snoopervisor
It's been a lovely day of machine quilting the baby quilt for my daughter's best friend's baby. I  realized I didn't show a photo of the finished top on my blog because this quilt went immediately from having the borders sewn on, to being pin basted, and then to being under the needle for machine quilting.

Paw Patrol
It has been fun to notice the little animals as I quilt on by ... the cats, dogs, ducks and birds. It's so relaxing when you "get in the quilt zone", listening to music, and the sound of the sewing machine making lines of stitches. 

I stitched the usual horizontal and vertical grid between the blocks, and then stitched diagonal lines across the star blocks. I marked the lines using a Hera marker, which just makes a slight indentation in the fabric to stitch across, leaving no permanent line. I mark each block as I come to it... mark, stitch, mark, stitch.

The border is made of the baby HST blocks (from the sawtooth star points) joined together in flying geese blocks.
I zigzagged around each point. It was a lot of twisting and turning of the quilt, which my back has been protesting since I started that! It's almost done now and I look forward to hand stitching the binding for Slow Sunday Stitching. Loving the light blue slightly variegated Aurifil thread that I am using!


  1. Sooooooo cute. Your daughters friend is going to be thrilled with her quilt. It works for male or female also...that's a real bonus.
    Sandy's Space

  2. I have completed a couple quilts this week. I hear you on the protesting back...too much machine quilting and sitting bothers my back too!
