
Sunday, March 10, 2019

Slow Sunday Stitching - A Finished Middling

Welcome to the weekly hand stitching link up!
Today I'm a little sleep deprived because Daylight Savings Time started last night and that means 1 hour less sleep in the night, and I'm looking forward to an afternoon nap today.

This week I finished up my 70273 project which has a lot of hand stitching in it, so I thought I'd share it in my Sunday blog post. 

pieced and embroidered X's

I was inspired to participate in this project 2 years ago (read about the inspiration here) and had sent in some blocks for the project (you can read more about it here). 
But I couldn't let it go after that. I made a little quilt that Jeanne calls a "Middling". More details about what a middling is can be found here.

hand quilted 1/4" around each pieced X
To create the quilt I pieced some improv X blocks and added sashing and borders until it came to the required size of 18" x 22". I hand quilted around each of the large X blocks and it was tough going because that "white on white" fabric was stiff and thick. I've never hand quilted that kind of fabric before... and won't again!

hand embroidered rows of XX

I didn't plan out where I would hand embroider the double X's, I just started stitching in the open areas and stitched wherever I felt inspired to do so.

Here is my finished Middling which has 5 large double XX blocks and 48 hand embroidered double XX's.
I'll be sending this away in the mail this week to become part of the 70273 Project. 

What are you hand stitching this week?  Link up your blog post and share your project with us.

    An InLinkz Link-up


  1. The red crosses on the white fabric looks stunning. Love the hint of the flowers on the background.

  2. That type of white on white fabric isn't easy to quilt but the Middling looks lovely but sad. I'm running late this morning! I woke up when I normally do but unfortunately I'm an hour behind!

  3. I love your little XX middling. I sent a couple of blocks for the project too. I hope I'll get to see it all on display one day.

  4. Such a beautiful and fun quilt.

  5. Fun red and white quilt! The embroidery x’s are the perfect touch.

  6. Never heard of a middling quilt...interesting. Lovely work on this Kathy, and I also like the tone on tone background fabric you used.

  7. Great little middling. I know what you mean about the white fabric. It's like paint on fabric. I have some fabrics like that (one white and one blue) and had the experience of hand quilting it. These kind of fabrics should have a warning on the selvage! A nap sounds good to me too. ;^)

  8. I have a bit of the white on white, white on beige to use up, used a lot on the quilt I am working on now which does slow down the quilting - love your red and white quilt - lovely!


  9. Great finish on the Middling! I have the same problem with white on white.

  10. That is a great middling! I am so glad she was able to get enough blocks to meet her very ambitious goal! Is it time for that nap yet?

  11. Saturday evening, around 8 p.m. while hubby was busy doing something else, I went around and changed our clock times, so we got to bed around midnight, todays time. Then we slept in. Love your blocks!

  12. Every time I see one of these 70273 Project posts I stop and spend a moment of silence in memory of the lives that were destroyed. Thank you for posting and hosting ... <3 Pat

  13. what a great 70273 project. Your stitching is beautiful.
    Loved your cartoon. Half of our clocks are right, but I need to fix the rest!
