
Saturday, March 02, 2019

Scrappy Saturday

Yellow Arrowhead blocks

It was a busy day full of activities including a lengthy funeral to attend, but I managed to carve out a few moments of medicinal stitching. I didn't finish my yellow arrowhead blocks in February, so I finished those up today (pattern can be found here).

These blocks finish at 3" and are a little tricky to make. You sew two squares together around the outside, cut them in a particular way to end up with these pieces, then sew them back together following the directions. It's like a fabric jigsaw puzzle. 

I'm also making a 9" version of this block in blues. Here is the photo showing the size difference. The little ones are fun to make, but are actually harder and the seam ripper has been used several times. Accuracy cannot be fudged with a block this small.

Here are all the blocks in the scrappy arrowhead collection so far. I'll be adding more light green blocks this month.

Hop over to the RSC linkup at Angela's to see the end of yellow and beginning of green projects.


  1. These blocks are super cool, and I love all your yellows!

  2. Nope! You can NOT fudged seams together when the block is that small. You can curse at it but you can't fudge it. Ask me how I know. Enjoy the green. ;^)

  3. love that block! I haven't started my greens but maybe I will get some pressed today to start on for this week.

  4. This block is so vibrant, but do bias edges give you trouble?

  5. Those are such interesting blocks! I'm going to enjoy seeing you make them in all kinds of colors!

  6. Those blocks are impressive!

  7. Oh, wow! I had no idea your blocks were so teensy! Great job :)

  8. The cutting does look tricky. The blocks are gorgeous.

  9. SEW... That plain square is the actual cutting plan for the block?!?! YIKES!!

  10. Have fun adding in more greens, you've got a great set of blocks built up now.
