
Monday, February 25, 2019

Design Wall Good Fortune

sign found in the city where I work
I am just back from winter quilt retreat and am trying to put all my quilting stuff back where it belongs. Why do we take so much stuff to retreat?!? I am not the type of quilter who can take 1 project and work on it the entire time. I work on different projects in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening. Perhaps I must admit to having a short attention span, combined with a severe case of startitis and a tendency to squirrel (yes that is a verb!)

I was able to focus at times and did spend a good amount of concentrated time working on my Quiltville Good Fortune mystery quilt. I finished piecing the gold units (orange in Bonnie's quilt) onto phone book paper and am sewing them into these blocks that have 8 red and white 4 patches.
sewing table at quilt retreat

Here are the blocks that have been finished so far. Next I'll be making more of the alternate blue and green blocks.

Good Fortune blocks on the design wall
Linking up to Small Quilts


  1. I don't know why I thought you had finished your Good Fortune quilt

  2. I hear ya, my Startitis is bad. Those Quilty Squirrel projects call to me. You're getting closer to the finish .

  3. Your Good Fortune is looking great! I also suffer from a serious case of startitis -- it's slightly better now that I am better at FMQ but not entirely cured. :D

  4. I need to take that Stop Squirrelling picture and paste it all over my sewing room! I've started lots of projects this year! Your quilt looks fabulous with the golds. Making great progress.

  5. Your GF is so pretty with the gold instead of orange. Gives it a completely different look!

  6. Your GF is coming along very nicely - I really like the gold substitution. :)

  7. Great work on your Good Fortune.! I think I need that Stop Squirreling sign!

  8. Kathy: Beautiful colors.
    I am like you I always take way too much stuff to retreat's, I do not mind packing its the unpacking I hate the most.
    I hope you had a wonderful time.


  9. I love the Good Fortune color palette you selected.
    Squirrels are insidious things, aren't they?

  10. Oh, I know that feeling. I am in the midst of a three day retreat, and I have taken more projects than I can possibly finish. But, I am making great progress, in spite of spending a huge amount of time walking around and chatting.

  11. I need one of those stop signs for my sewing room!! Glad you had a good week at retreat. Yes we always take lots because we never know what we are going to feel like working on....right!!

  12. You may have jumped around a bit, but you still made good progress on this project.
