
Monday, December 10, 2018

Design Wall Monday - Arrowhead Blocks

Since finishing 2 quilt tops this month (Save the Bees and Secret Santa) my design wall was left empty for a moment. So I searched for my blue Anita's Arrowhead blocks (pattern here) and got to work on those. I have sewn the 9" blocks into 3 long panels that are 2 blocks wide by 8 long. 
As first this quilt was going to be 30 blocks, but I liked the project so much, I had to keep going. I've made over 50 blocks, and have decided I need to make just a few more! 
The plan of the moment is 7 blocks across and 9 blocks down for a total of 63. That will make a quilt that is 63" x 81". I have enjoyed working on this project from start to finish and am already thinking about how I will quilt it.
Hop over to Small Quilts to see more design wall posts.


  1. This is truly lovely! All of the different shades of blue play so well together!

  2. I like your version best by far. Tell me: how big a square did you start with, to wind up with a 9" finish? (Math-challenged here!)

  3. Really pretty with all the different shades of blue.

  4. Did you pre-starch your fabrics as Anita Suggests in her book? I tried it on a few samples and the fabric feels like paper...but the blocks do line up nicely...
    I think your Arrowheads are just lovely..this will be a great quilt...hugs, Julierose

  5. These blocks are truly lovely, what a beautiful quilt they will make.

  6. I completely understand why you wanted to make this one bigger! Lovely blocks in lovely blues. Are you thinking about border or no border?
