
Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Restoring a sense of peacefulness and safety

It has been a challenging week here with a mass shooting in Toronto. It's always a jarring and terrible thing to hear when something like this happens somewhere in the world, but when it's 2 blocks from where your daughter lives, it's a whole other experience all together. 
No one wants to see this site in their neighbourhood.
photo by Tony Smyth/CBC
I will be going to the makeshift memorial site after work today to say prayers, pay my respects, and try to help my daughter feel safer in her neighbourhood. I will take my hand stitching and sit at a cafe on this street to support the local businesses and maybe in one tiny way help to restore a sense of peace.


  1. Such a tragedy! Good for you for being proactive and supportive of your daughter and city. My thoughts are with you.

  2. I share your sadness Kathy - it is so hard to watch and try to process, especially when we live in such a peaceful country. Good for you for supporting your daughter and her neighbourhood. Every little action helps.

  3. always extra sad when it is a place you are familiar with - glad your daughter was not out and about when this happened - hope she will be ok and not stressed

  4. I hadn’t heard, so sorry such violence is all too common now. I like your peaceful plan to make life more normal again.

  5. Excellent idea! Sitting in a cafe with some slow stitching will make Greektown feel normal and safe. I hope your daughter is comforted by your presence. A78mandel at yahoo dot com

  6. Feeling safe is very hard these days. Your plan will help you and the neighborhood.

  7. Oh, Kathy, it is always so hard to hear about these things, but SO much more real when these tragedies hit close to home. Prayers will be with you and your daughter.

  8. I'm glad to hear that your daughter and family are okay, and I must say that I admire the way you think!

  9. Your post gave me chill bumps. I also have a daughter, and she was in Boston when the planes that were used in the 9/11 attack took off from the Boston airport. Of course, my daughter was not even remotely in any danger, but it is scary for us mothers when such evil comes into our daughters' (children's) proximity. Thank you for writing about this, and thank you for choosing a strong way to show support for her and for the Toronto community.

  10. Not sure why these shooting keep happening, but it has to be so hard for those that live close by to ever think about their neighborhood in the same way. I am sure having you there will help tremendously and hopefully with time it will get easier.

  11. These terrible things seem to be happening time and time again. But this one is much to close to comfort, as far as your family is concerned. Good on you for going to pay your respects and sit quietly in the local cafe doing your stitching, bringing a little peace to your corner of the world.

  12. Hi Kathy: My sister just bought a house in that neighbourhood as well along with her daughter and her partner. Emma and Cam where at a patio on the Danforth and left to go home 15 minutes before the shooting. It does put you in a heavy mood.

  13. I second Marie's comment. I never understand why people do such thing ... but here in Canada? I'm glad to hear your family is safe. Sending prayers too.

  14. What a wonderful way to bring peace and calm back to the neighbourhood and your daughter.

  15. How scary for sure. As a mother we always are worried about our kids. Hope you visiting her will help her feels safer.

  16. I'm sorry this so closely affected you. I really like your idea of going out to support small businesses in the area as a way of restoring peace.

  17. I'm so glad to hear that your daughter was not hurt, but I'm sure she's very shaken up. You're a good Mom to go and be with her in this scary time. Hang in there, you're both in my thoughts.

  18. I'm so sorry for this tragedy! Prayer's up for you, your daughter and all of Canada! I'm so glad you are going to support the community and your baby girl! (Aren't they always our baby's no matter how old they are?)

  19. That is so scary - especially when it is so close like that.

  20. I'm so sorry for you and and your daughter especially. What a scary thing.
    I'm glad that you and yours are safe.

  21. Hearing this on the news is becoming more common and where ever it is in the world makes me sad but I think your plan is an excellent one and bringing normality back into your daughters life, and everyone who lives there, is good! Thinking of you and yours.

  22. I'm glad your daughter is safe. My granddaughter lives in the Greektown neighbourhood and was walking home from her summer job in a restaurant near Broadview when the shooting occurred a block from where she was. Fortunately she was also safe, but it is a jarring reminder of how vulnerable to random and unexpected violence even safe communities are.

  23. Oh that's heart stopping for something like that to happen so close to your daughter! Glad that she is safe.

  24. I saw the headlines, but, not much else (details). Sad world now. I just don't get people who want to hurt people they don't even know (I don't want to hurt the people I know, either).
