
Monday, July 09, 2018

Indian Orange Peel Update

There has been some recent progress on the dreaded IOP. Here it is still on my secondary design wall. I recently dusted it off, picked up all the pieces that had fallen on the floor and figured out where I had left off. Only 6 more blocks need to be sewn and several of the columns are almost together now. There are even some moments when I am working on it that I don't hate it!
Working on it can even sometimes be relaxing, and removing the paper from the back of the 120 paper pieced arcs is easy work. I say to myself: "Kathryn, I don't know why you hate this project so much? See how easy it is? You don't need to procrastinate working on it. Just go ahead and finish it up!"

And then comes the moment when I do remember how challenging this project is! Pin pin pin, measure and pin, add a few more pins so you don't lose all those points. Sew from the centre of the curve out on both sides. 
Then look at how you sewed the whole thing wrong because you pinned it incorrectly. Swear and curse. Get the seam ripper, remove those painstakingly made stitches, and start over again. 
I realize I have learned so much from this quilt because I can quickly fix most of the mistakes that I make over and over.

Two of my friends have finished their Indian Orange Peel quilts and they are gorgeous and amazing! Jacqui posted her quilt here and you can see Louise's quilt here
It is hard to finish something I haven't even been working on. I'm back to making some efforts to finish this in my lifetime if only to get it off that design wall.
What's on your design wall? Are you actually working on it?!?
To see more design wall posts, hop over to the Small Quilts link up.


  1. it is pretty but I can see that is has been a lot of work!

  2. How funny, I was thinking about this quilt yesterday while I was avoiding my sewing room. I don't know hwy it popped into my head. I think there is a direct correlation between pinning and swearing. LOL
    You can do this. I know you can. Pin, swear, sew, rip, pin, swear... It really is gorgeous.

  3. I think the connection is unsewing and swearing. Pins are my friend. Sorry, Kathy. Bbackawards progress isn't fun. I'm working on my Row by Row so it doesn't become a UFO.

  4. Oh, don't hate it, it's absolutely gorgeous. When it is done you will be able to give yourself a HUGE pat on the back.

  5. I have always loved this--but from the sound of your frustrations with it, I can understand why you don't. But it will be stunning when finished!

  6. Oh that looks difficult - but so amazing!

  7. I apologise for laughing at the incorrect piecing, I can just see myself doing that!

    The quilt is beautiful and well worth the hassle to make it.


  8. Go Kathy Go!! You're making progress and that's a good thing! You will be so happy when that one is done!! We should have an IOP party with everyone to celebrate LOL. Glad you are working on it just can't abandon that project...too much work in it already and it WILL be beautiful when it's done!

  9. I'm sending your mental fortitude for trying to slog along with this project! I get the sense that it's a bit exhausting tackling it time and again, but wowsers, I admire your determination to not give up no matter how much time it actually takes you to get to a finish!

  10. So many points. So many curves. So many opportunities to swear. I'm glad you're making this so I can oo and ah over it without #*$& and #(@& over it myself...

  11. I've admired this piece every time it surfaces and hope you have the fortitude to get it done this time. But I had to chuckle when you said it was on your secondary design wall. I would be thrilled to have a primary design wall, but then it would probably be filled with languishing projects. Anyway, keep going, you're almost there.

  12. This certainly looks a tricky one! I admire your persistence!

  13. Kathy - I totally feel your pain!!!!!! My stars take so much time, and some ripping if the points are not accurate. You are doing a beautiful job on this quilt with color. I would have a little problem with so many different colors. I am a controlled scrappy person. I guess I am too color coordinated! LOL. Keep on working on it - it will be so pretty!

  14. Oh, I DO understand your frustration! Have you tried folding the melon shape in half so the points meet, then you find the center point to align up with the seam in the center... then pin? If it were me I would name the quilt 'Vicious Circle"... look at all those TEETH!

  15. Your IOP is really beautiful! great colors.
    I know how hard i to restart when you've but it aside - good for you!

  16. Yeah for progress! It's such a beautiful quilt, but sometimes the annoyance factor is just too big to overcome. Good luck on finishing it off soon.
