
Thursday, March 08, 2018

Happy International Women's Day!

Today is the day to celebrate the wonderful women you are privideged to have in your life!

It's International Women's Day and as is my habit, every year on this day I give bouquets of flowers to women who have inspired me in my life this year. You know the ones I mean... who try so hard in everything they say and do to be encouraging and loving, to make life a little easier for others, to be a bright light, and who regularly do invisible work that is not seen or acknowledged. Today is a day to honour these women!

That reminds me that today is the last day of the Small, Smaller, and Smallest blog hop! Check out the creativity of  these fantastic women:


  1. Honoring those women who have been influential in our lives is the best way to support one another; bless you!

  2. If I lived closer, I would give you a bouquet! Thanks for your encouragement and friendship! Happy International Women’s day!

  3. What a great way to honour the important women in your life - happy Women's Day!
